SilkScreen Text

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Rip Rapalski, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. Rip Rapalski

    Rip Rapalski Guest

    Can a NG contributor point me to guidance that tells how to easily add
    a text layer to a ProE drawing to place text for silk screening of the

    Ideally being able to select the text font, size, and, if at all
    possible, kerning.


    Rip Rapalski, Feb 21, 2004
  2. Rip Rapalski

    David Janes Guest

    : Can a NG contributor point me to guidance that tells how to easily add
    : a text layer to a ProE drawing to place text for silk screening of the
    : assembly?
    Not sure what you mean by a 'text layer', but Pro/e does very little with common
    text formats (doc, html, xml), preferring it's own, proprietary formatting, in
    which, the text is generally not preserved or is, at least, not publically
    accessible as text. So, in effect, there is no text to put on a layer.

    : Ideally being able to select the text font, size, and, if at all
    : possible, kerning.
    Pro/e has functions to handle everything except kerning. It's internal style
    function can take outline fonts (post script, true type) and modify
    characteristics like type face, height, width and slant angle. These internal
    fuctions are available to sketched text (text created using the sketcher text
    function) which is utilized by sketched curves ('Feature>Create>Curve>Sketched
    curve') and cosmetic sketches ('Feature>Create>Cosmetic>Sketch'). In each of
    these, you can select the sketcher text tool and create geometry that looks like
    text. Since this is not actually text, it would not go on a 'text layer'. However,
    with sketched curves in the shape of text, you can create embossed or etched
    surfaces which could be used by a manufacturing process to create a silk screen
    template. Or, these curves could be exported to, say, an iges file and be directly
    used to guide some manufacturing process. The manufacturing process depends on how
    the silk screen is produced.

    A function which more directly involves text is 'Setup>Notes', used to create 3d
    "flying" note text (stays parallel to screen as part rotates) on parts and
    assemblies. All the functionality for creating, showing/hiding and linking these
    notes is contained within the 'Setup>Notes' functionality. Additionally, something
    that might be of use to you is the ability to create the note text with a
    hyperlink to a URL, so that the note could read, for example:
    "Upper left coner of screened area
    Place product information here
    Click on this note for content to be silk screened"
    Clicking on the note would take one to the web site where the HTML formatted text,
    including graphics/logos, was stored. This would get rid of the need to figure out
    how to put it directly into the model.

    While the functions involving sketcher created text are not truly text functions,
    they are, at least, WYSIWYG, giving you an idea of what the result will look like
    on a real product. The note function, though more text compatible, does not show
    you the end product. There is, at present, no Pro/e function, of which I am aware,
    that combines the textual with WYSIWYG, as does desktop publishing or even the
    average document processor, such as Word.

    David Janes
    : TIA
    : Rip
    David Janes, Feb 22, 2004
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