Silicon Ensemble and Design Compiler Interface

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by paololoceri, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. paololoceri

    paololoceri Guest

    Hi all!
    I am on the run to make a post layout optimization for one of my
    I need some infos about incremental place and route using data coming
    from DC.
    At the moment:
    1 I performed Global place&route using Timing Driven placement option
    an Timing Driven routing. I also used the "Optimize by timing" options
    in the menu "place Cells"
    2 I exported pdef, setload, verilog and sdf file to DC
    3 In DC i read all this informations and I performed a reoptimize
    -in_place command!
    4 What do I have to do next?????

    Please can someone help me?
    paololoceri, Mar 9, 2005
  2. paololoceri

    paololoceri Guest

    Do I have to restart from the routed design or just from the placed
    And what about import->verilogECO and place->ECO options? I know of
    course that it will depend on the situation, but can anyone give me a
    tip about a default setting?

    thanks a lot
    paololoceri, Mar 10, 2005
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