SignalStorm: Help on warning "illegal instance is found"

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by kristof, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. kristof

    kristof Guest

    I'm working with Signalstorm library characterizer. I do:
    db_install (works)
    db_gsim (FAILS) I get the message:
    [WARNING(db_gsim)]BUFBD1 : illegal instance is found

    => no simulation

    Does anyone knows what this message means? I can't figure it out. I
    think it has something to do with the spectre-models because when I use
    other ones I don't get this warning

    kristof, Oct 28, 2005
  2. You might want to check the gate file that to check if slc identfies
    the logic correctly or no. You can use the dg_gate command. According
    to the documentation there is no BUFBD1 type of a cell, but there are
    BUFIF0 and BUFIF1. If this is the error, then you can make corrections
    in the gate file and then run db_gsim again on the modified gate file.

    There is a section on Making gate file corrections in the document that
    you would want to look at.

    hope that helps.
    firegardeneve, Nov 18, 2005
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