Show hidden files in cadence file browsers

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by West, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. West

    West Guest

    Normally in the icfb tools file browsers hidden files or directories
    (dot files) are not visible.
    I know there is some global variable which you can set, so they become
    However I lost the name of this variable after a crash, and now I
    cannot find it back, even
    in the internet. Does anyone know this variable?

    Thanks in advance, Wim
    West, Jan 27, 2006
  2. Well, before ICOA5251 there was no common file browser, so almost certainly the
    answer to your question is no... (even in ICOA5251 applications which had a file
    browser may be using their own browser rather than the common one).

    Which particular file browser are you asking about?


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 30, 2006
  3. West

    West Guest

    Hi Andrew,
    E.g. the Model Library Setup in the Cadence Analog design environment
    show hidden files and folders. When you click the "browse" button, a
    file browser
    dialog named "unix browser" pops up.

    West, Jan 31, 2006
  4. I just took a look through the code, and in IC5141 and before, this invokes an
    ADE-specific file browser. The underlying file browser has a mode to indicate
    whether dot files should be shown or not - and when called from the model
    libraries form, it doesn't pass the argument to tell it to show hidden files.
    There's no option to control this, unfortunately.

    In ICOA5251, when the UI infrastructure moves to be Qt based rather than Motif,
    the file browser in ADE switches to using the common "hi" file browser
    (hiDisplayFileDialog()) - and in this case the hidden files/folders are shown in
    the browser.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 1, 2006
  5. Redefining Cadence code is NOT a good idea, unless you really know what you're
    doing, and keep track of all these kind of changes (and even then it is a risky
    thing to do).

    This one is a perfect example. The private function you're redefining has 1
    argument in IC446 and IC5033, but in IC5141 it expects 2 arguments.

    So what happens - somebody at your site redefines this function in a central
    startup file, then some time later leaves the company (perhaps). You upgrade to
    IC5141, and then all of a sudden you get errors when you're trying to use the
    browser on the model library form. So you call Cadence support, and we have real
    fun trying to figure out why this is broken - perhaps mistakenly guessing that
    it was something that was broken in the particular ISR you're using, and so
    getting you to download and install a newer version. Lots of effort later, we
    might stumble upon the fact that somebody redefined a function.

    Take it from me, it happens. I've had several cases where strange things have
    gone wrong due to somebody else in an organisation redefining a function several
    releases previously, and nobody else knowing about it.

    Also, there are various things your code is not doing that the function you're
    redefining does do, so even if the code were compatible with the release you're
    using, you might end up calling customer support saying "why can't the list of
    files in the file browser be sorted alphabetically?". "They are" we say, and
    then we have a similar problem trying to track down why it's sorted for us and
    not for you...

    Please take heed of this... it might seem like a good idea at the time, but it
    will come back to haunt you.

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 2, 2006
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