Show assembly component with different linestyle in drawing view.

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by huggre, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. huggre

    huggre Guest

    Here is a nut cracker for all you Pro/E nerds out there!

    I have an assembly drawing view where i want to show one of the
    components with a different line style (hidden, dash-dot or whatever)
    than the rest of the components.

    Is this possible??
    huggre, Nov 21, 2006
  2. huggre

    huggre Guest

    Sweet, think i found it.

    View->Drawing Display
    huggre, Nov 21, 2006
  3. huggre

    David Janes Guest

    This is somewhat the long way round, but, I think worth looking into. The
    View Manager lets you create a combined view: simplified rep, explode view,
    display style, anything that can be created as a naned view. You can create
    this as just a display style by picking the name from the list. Seems like
    you ought to be able to do this directly in a drawing view; you've already
    got reps and explodes, so why not styles? So far, the View Manager "All"
    combo view is the only one that's available in the drawing. I guess I just
    like being able to do it, set it in the model and get (for free) a view of
    it in the drawing: two for the price of one.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 22, 2006
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