Show a form while program is running?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GARYNTX, Aug 26, 2004.


    GARYNTX Guest

    I have a simple form called frmPanelUpdate with a label on it called lblPanel.
    I would like to be able to have this form pop up and let the user know which panel is updating while the program is running.
    The problem is that when the form pops up the program stops.
    How can I get the program to keep running while the form is showing?

    Private Sub InsertPanel()
    'tried to use DoEvents here (didn't work)
    frmPanelUpdate.lblPanel = "Updating panel " & PanelName & "."
    'run the rest of the program which takes about 10 to 20 seconds
    End Sub
    GARYNTX, Aug 26, 2004

    tj Guest

    Search the vba help file for "showmodal".

    which panel is updating while the program is running.
    tj, Aug 26, 2004
  3. Select your form...Go to properties window...Scroll
    to bottom...Set "showmodal" to false
    which panel is updating while the program is running.
    Paul Richardson, Aug 26, 2004
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