Should SW's API give access to all dialogues boxes & commands?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ed, Sep 3, 2006.

  1. Ed

    Ed Guest

    Being an old VB6, (and before) programmer, I was every excited about
    the possibilities of what the API could allow us to automate. However,
    when I started working with it, I found a few limitations.

    Reciently, I have a programming project that has forced me to upgrade
    to VB.NET. As I have started to understand what Objects really are,
    (and am still working on this) it is becomming very apparent that the
    API is not consistent with OOP, (object oriented programming).
    functions that "mirror" some parts of SW that can "interface" only a
    few of the objects in the SW. If the API was really an OOP environment
    then most of the same functions, commands, dialogues could be

    A good example of this could be the hole wizard. If this Object was
    available to the API then a "copy" of the hole wizard could be
    inherited into the program where all of the properties, (ie. editable
    options, selections etc. could be easily "managed" by the program that
    would allow for a degree of automation that has not yet been. SW
    itself, has a fair amount of automation built into it through
    configurations etc. but with all of the commands in SW "exposed"
    through the API, I believe that SW could become the most powerful CAD
    software on the planet.

    A major benefit of having the real "tools" exposed through the API
    would be that when a Macro was ran that even the DIALOGUE BOXES AND
    SELECTIONS would be recorded.... As programmers we could prompt the
    operator for various information and selections and when these were
    manipulated and then stuffed into the various selections and then if
    the operator was given the opportunity to inspect/alter the selections
    in the dialogue inputs before finishing the command a lot more users
    would be able to develope automated tasks for SW. As it is now,
    recorded "micro's" are missing major parts what the operator actually
    selects/does in the SW environment.

    Does anyone else agree that every SW command, and dialogue box should
    be available in the API? Doesn't it make a lot more sense that a
    recorded Macro should record EVERY selection, key stroke etc.?

    Ed, Sep 3, 2006
  2. Ed

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    Reciently, I have a programming project that has forced me to upgrade
    You are absolutely true. You should, however, note that SW is not written in
    VB.NET and the API is implemented by using COM interfaces. If I have
    understood it right, there is no equivalent of "inheritance" in COM, an
    object is just implementing a set of interfaces you can call. You can see
    that in a very clear way in VB6 (which is designed to be able to create
    com/activex components); you can create classes and a class may implement
    multiple intefaces, but by definition, there is no such thing as

    We cannot see how the very internals of SW has been designed, but even if it
    has been programmed using OO, you could not inherit from SW components. I
    believe, that many of SW dialogs are still being programmed by using c++,
    plain windows api and/or MFC, and that some pieces of SW are written in
    procedural spaghetti code instead of OO. Altough the SW api is very useful,
    some aspects in the API tend to indicate that the internals of SW are not
    very elegant.
    That is absolutely true. That would, however, require a very special
    architecture. For example, if you would create an inherited version of some
    feature - let us say the extrude feature - how would SW know to create your
    inherited version instead of the original one?

    I believe that enabling the inheritance of SW objects would require
    rewriting of the whole SW in eg. c# or, which I don't believe to
    happen during the existence of this universe.
    Absolutely, but I doubt that it is never gonna happen...

    Heikki Leivo, Sep 3, 2006
  3. Ed

    TOP Guest

    The API is very limitied. You can go so far and no further. Solution
    partners are allowed to go a little further. But not everything is
    opened up.

    I recorded a macro the other day and a FileFind method was used. This
    method is not documented and does not work in a macro if replayed. My
    guess is it slipped out. I have always wanted to be able to
    programmatically set the configuration of a part in a pattern of parts
    in an assembly, but this is not opened up in the API.

    In the first version of SW, SW95 the capability was there to record
    actions such that they could be played back and reproduce what was just
    TOP, Sep 3, 2006
  4. Ed

    122 Guest

    When I see such a good level of example of discussion, solidworks would have
    an immediate direct contact with you to improve their product and we could
    see the interaction.

    On Topica with cosmosm, here and so on for other product..., we often see
    very pertinent advices, questions and no direct reactions from the
    developpers, helas! This direct interactivity between developpers and
    developpers could be very stimulating and exciting on a technical point of
    122, Sep 3, 2006
  5. Ed

    Tim Markoski Guest

    Keep in mind that Class Inheritance CAN be achieved if using ANSI C++ .

    VB6 did not support True Class Inheritance.
    That said, it is still possible to manipulate SW dialogues in VB6 via
    the Windows API..

    However, .Net, as an architecture, supports Class Inheritance.across the
    Keep in mind that .Net is NOT a COM based architecture.

    A well kept secret is that VB6 programs can still take advantage of .Net

    If SW stays committed to COM, (as it should in my opinion)
    integrating the .Net architecture into the API could be done quite
    easily and painlessly.
    COM Interop is something that isn't going away any time soon.

    What SWCorp really needs to address via the API is exposing all the UI
    This would benefit both the casual developer as well as the seasoned
    by eliminating the need to use the Windows API for retrieving handles
    and other functions.
    Tim Markoski, Sep 3, 2006
  6. Ed

    TOP Guest

    I agree. I think the commands should come first and the GUI should
    implement them.
    TOP, Sep 3, 2006
  7. Ed

    Tim Markoski Guest

    It's frustrating that SW corp doesn't seem to value input from this group.

    PDMWorks needs this as well.

    Just about every useful function in PDMWorks can only be done via the
    client UI.
    It's particularly frustrating when you map DWG block attributes to
    Custom Properties
    and they only get set if you check in the DWG files from the client UI.
    If you check in via the API, no Custom Properties.

    One the bright side, Conisio has a very robust API.
    I just hope SW doesn't screw it up by trying to "improve" it.
    Tim Markoski, Sep 3, 2006
  8. Ed

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    It's particularly frustrating when you map DWG block attributes to Custom
    This is just one of many things which indicate that some aspects in SW are
    not designed quite well. Generally, applications should be designed so that
    things are not dependent of the user interface, or at least it is a good way
    to go. The UI should be only one way to interact with the software, not a
    key part in it's functionality. The SW api shows in many places that some
    things are dependent of the very existence of the UI, for example you may
    get different behaviour depending on document window visibility (fortunately
    this is mentioned in the API help). The most stoopid thing IMO is that you
    can get two _different_ and differently behaving ModelDoc2 objects pointing
    to same actual model, one when the model window is hidden and another when
    the window is visible.

    In a well designed software the UI should be just an interface to the
    software, but in SW the user interface _is_ the software.

    Heikki Leivo, Sep 4, 2006
  9. Ed

    Ed Guest

    I really appreciate all of these great comments.

    1) I wonder if VISTA will have any longterm impact on the dependence
    on COM?

    2) Obviously I/ we don't have a complete understanding of the inner
    workings of SW and why commands and UI objects have not be inhereted,
    but I would like to see as many users as possible to begin to request
    that "commands" and "UI objects" be exposed by whatever way that the
    API has to do this. I don't care how they do this, rewrite the API or
    SW or whatever. I do realize that this may never happen but to me this
    one issue could have a major long term impact on SW.

    3) It totally amazed me that even if there is a C++ command, (or some
    other OOP) in the background that uses COM or whatever that there
    couldn't be a "fairly" straight forward "interface", (probably a huge
    select statement that could internally launch the same command the way
    that SW environment does)? This would be equivelent to a phantom
    command line. Then this interface could also expose any variables,
    methods etc. Perhaps this is too simplistic but again, the bottom line
    is that ultimately SW needs to work towards such a capability.

    Thanks again for all of the great comments,

    Ed, Sep 4, 2006
  10. Ed

    CS Guest

    FYI the 2007 API allows you to start any command that is available to
    the UI.

    CS, Sep 7, 2006
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