Should I upgrade to 2006?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, May 19, 2006.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    The time is getting close to upgrading (or in this case downgrading) to
    2006. Here is the issue. I am trying to get my people to use custom
    properties. The SW interface isn't particularly friendly, but in 2004
    it follows MSoft convention and allows cutting and pasting. The 2006
    Custom property interface doesn't allow cutting and pasting. SW has,
    since day one had the ability to paste into custom props and why they
    didn't keep this in 2006 (actually 2005 started it) I can't fathom. Did
    200,000 users specifically ask that SW drop this functionality? I you
    did, please tell me why.
    TOP, May 19, 2006
  2. Annoying, isn't it. If this is a show stopper to you, then I guess don't
    upgrade. A workaround is use Design Tables for your Custom Properties.

    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, May 19, 2006
  3. I'm confused - I cut & paste Config Specific Properties all the time. What
    is it exactly that you can't do?

    Wayne Tiffany, May 19, 2006
  4. TOP

    cadman800 Guest

    I can cut and past using <ctrl X> & <ctrl V>

    cadman800, May 20, 2006
  5. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I must be missing something because I tried to paste into config
    specific custom props from excel and it wouldn't go.
    TOP, May 20, 2006
  6. Hello Wayne-

    I have difficulty Copying and Pasting more than one line at a time. I
    believe this is what TOP is referring to. Is Copying and Pasting more than
    one line at a time possible?

    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, May 20, 2006
  7. Right, this too is a problem.

    Devon T. Sowell, May 20, 2006
  8. Yes and no, here is what I do. Say you have an Excel sheet, or whatever
    with the following text in three cells.

    Description1 Text Thing1
    Description2 Text Thing2
    Description3 Text Thing3
    Description4 Text Thing4
    Description5 Text Thing5
    Description6 Text Thing6

    1. Highlight all and copy those as a block with Ctrl-C.
    2. Now go to the SW properties box and select the first row by clicking on
    the header so it highlights the whole row.
    3. Hit Ctrl-V.
    4. Click in the Value/Text Expression box so it puts the cursor there and
    unhighlights the whole row. The text in that box will be highlighted, but
    that's ok.
    5. Hit the Enter key.
    6. Hit your down arrow key to jump down a row.
    7. Continue 5 & 6 until all the rows are in. A bit kludgy, but not too bad.

    You can also copy and paste custom properties from another SW part with the
    same method.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 20, 2006
  9. Awesome. Great tip, thanks.


    Devon T. Sowell, May 20, 2006
  10. TOP

    matt Guest

    There are so many free apps for custom properties, and even if there
    weren't you could write one in an hour that would do what you need it to
    do. This shouldn't be the only thing holding you back from 2006.
    matt, May 20, 2006
  11. TOP

    TOP Guest

    This I am aware of. There are still times when I want to work manually.
    SW after all revamped the whole custom property interface in 2005. And
    in so doing lost some very basic MicroSoft functionality. Now some
    people say they can cut and paste and yet I couldn't do this from
    excel. So it will have to wait till Monday for me to check this twist

    As for custom prop apps I use swCP for it's programmability. But there
    are certain custom properties that swCP doesn't handle and these I may
    want to do a cut and paste on.
    TOP, May 20, 2006
  12. TOP

    John H Guest

    Aside from the specific issue of cut/paste into properties, I would say 2006
    is a BIG improvement over 2004 - I've recently done the upgrade myself.

    Some highlights for me are :-
    - a measure tool that is just about useable, as opposed to completely crap
    - better control over which model dimensions are inserted into which
    drawing view.
    - better control over which sketch relations are automatically inferred.
    - improved BOM capabilities

    John H
    John H, May 22, 2006
  13. TOP

    Chris Dubea Guest

    This goes back to what I've been saying all along. There are two
    different versions of SolidWorks maintained by two different sets of
    coders. There just have been too many regressions when new versions
    come out for this not to be the case.

    In any event a macro to do what you want would be almost trivial to
    write. If you aren't macro savvy I would write it for you.

    Lemme know here as e-mail is no longer functional and I like it that
    Chris Dubea, May 22, 2006
  14. TOP

    P. Guest

    That's pretty cool Wayne, but I still have to try it on my machine.

    What I found is that your method does indeed work. I would never have
    guessed that Custom Props could be spiked. However, when I try to replace
    just a single value by CTRL-V on one cell it causes the cell to blank until
    I scroll down one. That is pretty quirky.
    P., May 23, 2006
  15. Try this. Paste something into the SW cell just like you would think would
    work and then hit your left arrow. I think what happens is that the pasting
    operation keeps the cursor at the left side of the property cell, but puts
    the pasted in info to the left of it. Therefore you see nothing until you
    scroll to the left.

    I've never turned that in, but maybe I should. Hmmm.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 23, 2006
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