short beta for 2009

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, May 25, 2008.

  1. neil

    Cliff Guest

    I don't think he ever got any "seat time" with any of it. Ever.
    He just saw someone else's comment about something somewhere
    (probably had a pretty buzzword) and copied/went from there. Same
    way he gets started in the first place. Has no clue if they were right,
    what it was actually about, etc. Often it's from another clueless
    newbie though <G>.

    You give him far too much credit.
    "Seat time" indeed. He's never ever actually posted anything
    AFAIK That would show him to be an actual real user (1 week plus)
    of anything at all. CAD, CAM OR CAD/CAM. Or even capable of simple
    MDI CNC machine macros.
    WAY over his head, all of it, IMO.
    He even keeps confusing CAD with CAM or CAD/CAM to this day.
    Cliff, May 29, 2008
  2. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    I gave credit, where credit was due. Don't let it get to your head Jon.

    Not to worry, it's not like an ignorant, lying scumbag like Tom Brewer
    will ever admit how wrong he has was (yet again) on the needed tools.

    Too bad Tom Brewer can't be forced to stay with his beloved rollback
    bar that he claimed was just fine. Same can be said for morons Joe 788
    and Gary Knutson.

    Perhaps your brain goes dead faster when you believe idiots like
    Franco Folini and Matt Lombard. Even P.V. had Franco Folini figured
    out from day 1. Brewer still has no clue.


    Rumor is that Siemens has an 18 month lead with Synchronous Technology
    over the competition.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 29, 2008
  3. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    I gave credit, where credit was due. Don't let it get to your head Jon.

    Not to worry, it's not like an ignorant, lying scumbag like Tom Brewer
    will ever admit how wrong he has was (yet again) on the needed tools.

    Too bad Tom Brewer can't be forced to stay with his beloved rollback
    bar that he claimed was just fine. Same can be said for morons Joe 788
    and Gary Knutson.

    Perhaps your brain goes dead faster when you believe idiots like
    Franco Folini and Matt Lombard. Even P.V. had Franco Folini figured
    out from day 1. Brewer still has no clue.


    Rumor is that Siemens has an 18 month lead with Synchronous Technology
    over the competition.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 29, 2008
  4. neil

    Cliff Guest

    YOU don't have a SE OR UG "VAR/Dealer".

    "I've gotten a few offers for programming with Unigraphics but I don't know
    anything about it." - jon banquer

    "They (UG) would like to make me a VAR but I don't have the interest or the
    time." - Jon Banquer
    Cliff, May 29, 2008
  5. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Often such changes are a step towards major changes in a later
    release. One would not want to burden users & customers with
    huge major changes all at once (and the changes/enhancements
    may not all be ready anyway). Spread out the learning curve over
    at least two releases, if not utterly critical.
    There is also much study of user interfaces so when really
    better methods for the future are discovered it does make sense
    to start adding them, IMHO. And systems evolve as new features are
    added & old options moved to new/better locations.

    Neck whiplash with multiple monitors (and eyestrain due to different
    focus distances) used to be a bit of a problem <g>.
    Hence banquer needs two monitors .... latest & greatest technology ...
    Cliff, May 29, 2008
  6. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    I gave credit, where credit was due. Don't let it get to your head Jon.

    Not to worry, it's not like an ignorant, lying scumbag like Tom Brewer
    will ever admit how wrong he has was (yet again) on the needed tools.

    Too bad Tom Brewer can't be forced to stay with his beloved rollback
    bar that he claimed was just fine. Same can be said for morons Joe 788
    and Gary Knutson.

    Perhaps your brain goes dead faster when you believe idiots like
    Franco Folini and Matt Lombard. Even P.V. had Franco Folini figured
    out from day 1. Brewer still has no clue.


    Rumor is that Siemens has an 18 month lead with Synchronous Technology
    over the competition.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 30, 2008
  7. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Indeed. Or any of the other latest buzzwords & greatest ads?
    Cliff, May 30, 2008
  8. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    I gave credit, where credit was due. Don't let it get to your head Jon.

    Not to worry, it's not like an ignorant, lying scumbag like Tom Brewer
    will ever admit how wrong he has was (yet again) on the needed tools.

    Too bad Tom Brewer can't be forced to stay with his beloved rollback
    bar that he claimed was just fine. Same can be said for morons Joe 788
    and Gary Knutson.

    Perhaps your brain goes dead faster when you believe idiots like
    Franco Folini and Matt Lombard. Even P.V. had Franco Folini figured
    out from day 1. Brewer still has no clue.


    Rumor is that Siemens has an 18 month lead with Synchronous Technology
    over the competition.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 30, 2008
  9. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    I gave credit, where credit was due. Don't let it get to your head Jon.

    Not to worry, it's not like an ignorant, lying scumbag like Tom Brewer
    will ever admit how wrong he has was (yet again) on the needed tools.

    Too bad Tom Brewer can't be forced to stay with his beloved rollback
    bar that he claimed was just fine. Same can be said for morons Joe 788
    and Gary Knutson.

    Perhaps your brain goes dead faster when you believe idiots like
    Franco Folini and Matt Lombard. Even P.V. had Franco Folini figured
    out from day 1. Brewer still has no clue.


    Rumor is that Siemens has an 18 month lead with Synchronous Technology
    over the competition.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 30, 2008
  10. neil

    Cliff Guest

    He has no idea what an engineering department does
    or he lied again. Choose at least one.
    Cliff, May 30, 2008
  11. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    I gave credit, where credit was due. Don't let it get to your head Jon.

    Not to worry, it's not like an ignorant, lying scumbag like Tom Brewer
    will ever admit how wrong he has was (yet again) on the needed tools.

    Too bad Tom Brewer can't be forced to stay with his beloved rollback
    bar that he claimed was just fine. Same can be said for morons Joe 788
    and Gary Knutson.

    Perhaps your brain goes dead faster when you believe idiots like
    Franco Folini and Matt Lombard. Even P.V. had Franco Folini figured
    out from day 1. Brewer still has no clue.


    Rumor is that Siemens has an 18 month lead with Synchronous Technology
    over the competition.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 30, 2008
  12. neil

    TOP Guest

    Whoa Paul,

    Read it again. I said nothing negative about Pro/E unless you think I
    am comparing the two which I am not. If you say I was TOTALLY wrong in
    what I said then you are saying Pro/E users were praising SW at the
    time. They weren't.

    I was comparing SW then with SW now.

    1. At that time SW files were in general smaller than Pro/E or many
    other CAD system files in general.
    2. SW at that time did have a reputation for stability. Nothing there
    about Pro/E not having stability.
    3. SW did not require the resources that Pro/E did in that time frame.
    The opposite is true now not just for Pro/E but also UG and perhaps
    4. SW was fast. My first SW machine was a 166Mhz Pentium with 128MB of
    ram and a 300MB hard drive running on NT. By 98+ I needed a 300Mhz
    machine to keep up. I suspect Pro/E would beat SW in any speed test

    TOP, May 30, 2008
  13. neil

    TOP Guest

    When they are selling as many new seats as they say they are this
    doesn't matter except to loyal customers. The funny thing is that with
    some of the old standby CAD systems that haven't changed much over the
    years the old users just keep getting better. SW likes to throw away
    that experience at regular intervals with interface changes and
    functionality swapping.

    TOP, May 30, 2008
  14. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Well, perhaps he took your advice, sort of, and begged how to find
    arcs & circles in MasterCAM (posing as a "MasterCAM User").

    Oops .. that's not his name, is it?
    Some poor newbie .... and he asked for custom videos ...... it's
    not as if he knew anything about the the basics of all CAD, CAM &/or
    CAD/CAM systems ... or could look in the IGES file from Pro-E .... or
    grasp what he had done .... or how to easily solve such issues himself ...

    The good old days of CADDS III & "Hide the entity" <G>.
    Create a line display font that's invisable .... not even needed
    for poor jb.
    Cliff, May 31, 2008
  15. neil

    Cliff Guest

    You probably missed watching the $$ 16 hours worth of intro
    training videos which he's still not finished AFAIK. He was going
    to actually buy the much better $25 one when he did finish
    the 16 hours .... not a peep.
    Cliff, May 31, 2008
  16. neil

    Cliff Guest

    What was this about? No context quoted.
    Cliff, May 31, 2008
  17. neil

    zxys Guest

    Hey Paul,

    Oh,.. my bad...hmm... ? I re-read it and I, it again...
    and, still see the bash.

    It's interesting to me because, in 1999 (using SW98+ on the same
    computer as Pro/e),.. I actually tested, reviewed and praised SW for a
    few of my clients (who were considering Pro/e), and imho (then and
    now, hands down) SW was the right fit for them!
    And, as a Pro/e user,.. I was happy to see the competition.

    I've used them side by side and I know the difference... then/now...
    Pro/e is still better over SW... or,... maybe,.. it sux less, if you

    .. (i'm feeling sleepy,... dave.... daisy, daisy,...
    zxys, May 31, 2008
  18. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    I gave credit, where credit was due. Don't let it get to your head Jon.

    Not to worry, it's not like an ignorant, lying scumbag like Tom Brewer
    will ever admit how wrong he has was (yet again) on the needed tools.

    Too bad Tom Brewer can't be forced to stay with his beloved rollback
    bar that he claimed was just fine. Same can be said for morons Joe 788
    and Gary Knutson.

    Perhaps your brain goes dead faster when you believe idiots like
    Franco Folini and Matt Lombard. Even P.V. had Franco Folini figured
    out from day 1. Brewer still has no clue.


    Rumor is that Siemens has an 18 month lead with Synchronous Technology
    over the competition.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 31, 2008
  19. neil

    gk Guest

    Still using it daily Jonboi. You really should get some training so
    that you can do something productive with SW. I am sure that someone
    with no training, like yourself, would have lots of problems with rolled
    back features. Of course, they would also have problems with the random
    editing that you propose (or at least the customer would when he found
    his part changed to suit yourself rather than maintaining the design
    intent). You should just throw out the whole part and whip something up
    that was easy for you to machine. The part was probably designed by
    some "ignorant" engineer anyway and your part would be a big improvement.


    As long as it does the job for me
    gk, May 31, 2008
  20. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    "I have not seen anything as exciting and innovative as Solid Edge
    with synchronous technology since the introduction of parametric
    modeling in the late 80s. Solid Edge has crafted a dramatic
    breakthrough by combining direct modeling, parametric modeling and a
    new user interface," said Ray Kurland, president, Technicom. "Siemens
    PLM Software has re-thought how users can more easily model in 3D.
    Users should love the ease of building and editing models -- all
    without any need to pre-plan how models might be used in the future.
    Solid Edge's competitors will be scrambling for years to catch up."

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 31, 2008
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