Shifting layout origin

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Joe Blizzard, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. Joe Blizzard

    Joe Blizzard Guest

    I've placed an example in customer files of a problem I frequently have with
    the origin shifting around in layouts. This has been discussed a couple of
    times here, but there doesn't appear to have been any real resolution to the
    problem. What you'll see in the drawing are two layouts with their plot area
    set to "layout," which is how I normally plot. One is normal, with the
    origin at the printable margin of the page, and the other has the origin
    (0,0,0) to the left and below the page boundary. I don't know how it got
    that way, I simply took a work file that was exhibiting the phenomenon and
    stripped everything out but the layouts. The workaround seems to be to
    select a plot area option that makes the "Center the Plot" option available,
    select that option, then switching the plot area back to layout. I shouldn't
    have to do that: any time the plot area is set to layout, the origin should
    know where it belongs.
    Joe Blizzard, Jun 14, 2004
  2. Joe Blizzard

    Joe Blizzard Guest

    Am I the only person on earth who has a problem with this? I mean, it's not
    like it's ruining my life or anything, but it's kind of annoying to have to
    periodically explain to cad operators that you have to change your page
    setup to something else and then change it back so it will work right.
    Joe Blizzard, Jun 17, 2004
  3. Joe Blizzard

    Joe Blizzard Guest

    Okay, so I am.
    Joe Blizzard, Jul 7, 2004
  4. Joe Blizzard

    WGLM Guest

    No, there are two of us. I had no problem like this with AutoCAD 2000. Everytime I went to preview my plot the page layout was @ 0,0, NOW IT IS ALL OVER THE PLACE???
    WGLM, Aug 25, 2004
  5. Jimmy Bergmark, Aug 25, 2004
  6. Joe Blizzard

    WGLM Guest

    I found that if I use page setup and window my area with 0,0 as the origin and drop the upper right corner larger than my sheet size the window will be in the correct location and then I'll switch my check box from window to layout and it will hold, unless I rewindow again. It has to be a bug. In the 2000 version I could set the check box to layout and the layout dashed line was always with the origin at 0,0.
    WGLM, Aug 26, 2004
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