shell slidelib.exe call in 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by liftedaxis, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    I'll try posting this again. In 2004, I can't get my slidelib call to work -- works fine in 2000,2000i.
    it's your basic:
    (command "SHELL" "\"c:\\program files\\autocad 2004\\support\\slidelib.exe\" x:\\myslidelib x:\\myslidelib.txt")
    always ends up with a 0-byte slide library.
    if i fire up a command prompt, and just manually type this, it works fine. it just doesn't want to work from the 2004 shell command. any thoughts?
    liftedaxis, Jan 27, 2004
  2. liftedaxis

    Mark Propst Guest

    does (startapp x) work?

    work -- works fine in 2000,2000i.
    2004\\support\\slidelib.exe\" x:\\myslidelib x:\\myslidelib.txt")
    it just doesn't want to work from the 2004 shell command. any thoughts?
    Mark Propst, Jan 27, 2004
  3. liftedaxis

    patrick_aps Guest

    What is the "\" doing in your syntax after the "SHELL" ???
    What is in the file x:\myslidelib.txt ?
    is it created using a dir *.sld \b >myslidelib.txt ???
    patrick_aps, Jan 27, 2004
  4. liftedaxis

    ECCAD Guest

    In review of NG, I see we have been here before, without success. I know this does not explain why, but I suggest trying to 'shell' and call a slides.bat file (dos batch). In the .bat, do:
    CD X:
    In Acad Macro do:
    (command "SHELL" "C:\\SLIDES.BAT")
    ECCAD, Jan 27, 2004
  5. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    Hey, thanks for the replies. I was thinking of calling it as a batch file as well. I'll try that, as well as the StartApp method. But I'm *still* curious why this doesn't work in 2004, and would greatly appreciate someone helping me with a theory on that. I'm on Windows 2000, in case that helps to the riddle.
    After I get a chance to experiment this evening, I'll post the results.
    liftedaxis, Jan 27, 2004
  6. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    since the path to slidelib.exe contains a space, you have to put quotes around the actual exe call.
    And as I mentioned, it is working correctly if I manually fire the command, hence, that text file must be correct, which it is, nothing but pathnames to slide files.
    I'll keep repeating this until someone tells me to shut up: this works fine in 2000i, doesn't work in 2004.
    liftedaxis, Jan 27, 2004
  7. This is my post: martedì 25 novembre 2003 18.50
    AutoCAD 2004: Slidelib.exe: a long story & Mslide from command line


    O.S. = XP Pro 2002 - Sp.1 - Ita
    AutoCAD = 2004 Ita - Sp.1a

    1) if I use MSLIDE from a script or command line the out file
    is without extension (SLD), try:

    FILEDIA <1>: 0
    Comando: _mslide
    Slide File name <E:\Acad_Files\ProvaPdf01>: <enter>
    I get a real slide file "ProvaPdf01" but with no extension


    2) I have tried slidelib.exe of Autocad 2004 sp.1
    but it still not works as all previous versions.

    I still using R12 - 04/06/1997 20.51 - 24 Kb
    Any hint.


    Here are all the version I have tried:

    R12 > slidelib.exe: 04/06/1997 20.51 - 24 Kb
    SLIDELIB 1.2 (3/8/89)
    (C) Copyright 1987-89 Autodesk, Inc.

    R13 c4 > slidelib.exe: 12/11/1995 1.20 - 420 Kb
    SLIDELIB 1.2 (3/8/89)
    (C) Copyright 1987-1989,1994,1995 Autodesk, Inc.

    R14.01 > slidelib.exe: 05/06/1997 4.16 - 420 Kb
    SLIDELIB 1.2 (3/8/89)
    (C) Copyright 1987-1989,1994,1995 Autodesk, Inc.

    R15 > slidelib.exe: 11/30/1995 6.28 - 420 Kb
    SLIDELIB 1.2 (3/8/89)
    (C) Copyright 1987-1989,1994,1995 Autodesk, Inc.

    R16 > slidelib.exe: 12/11/1995 6.30 - 425 Kb
    SLIDELIB 1.2 (3/8/89)
    (C) Copyright 1987-1989,1994,1995 Autodesk, Inc.


    Marc'Antonio Alessi (TV) Italy
    (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.")

    O.S. = XP Pro 2002 Ita - Sp.1
    AutoCAD = 2004 Ita - Sp.1a

    work -- works fine in 2000,2000i.
    2004\\support\\slidelib.exe\" x:\\myslidelib x:\\myslidelib.txt")
    it just doesn't want to work from the 2004 shell command. any thoughts?
    Marc'Antonio Alessi, Jan 28, 2004
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