sheetmetal, flat patterns, bend allowances

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jake, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. Jake

    Jake Guest

    We are having a heck of a time getting flat patterns to come out correct. It
    seems like everyone in the shop has some kind of different formula to
    achievee a correct part. When the guy does the programming thru metalsoft
    manually, we have few patterns. But when we use a flat pattern from
    solidworks (created by sheetmetal, flanges, etc.) everything comes out way
    off. It isnt even close to what it should be. We tried the tables right out
    of the machinest manual for the material and size. BAD PARTS. We tried
    punching in the numbers the guys in the shop use. BAD PARTS. We tried using
    what the Metalsoft programmer uses. BAD PARTS. We need to get this flat
    pattern to the point where we dont have to go thru the extra steps of
    another person redrawing it in a nother program. Any ideas where we are
    failing. I had a part today with 13 90 degree bends. It came out over 1" off
    from the machine???? Thanks for all the help anyone can give. Jake Barron
    Jake, Nov 3, 2004
  2. Jake

    bob zee Guest

    o.k., good ol' bob z. has no actual sheet metal experience, but your post
    has bob z. troubled. very troubled.
    is/was there any consistency between all of the parts coming off of the
    machine that were designed to the different formulae? for example, if you
    created the part in swx using the machinery's handbook and then created
    the same part using the shop dude's criteria, did these two finished
    off-the-machine parts have the same error? bob z. knows this sounds a
    little obvious, but it sounds like the problem really needs to be
    simplified. ya know? take out some of the variables. pick a formula and
    stick with it till you get it to work.
    bob z. would probably pick the formula that the shop dudes use. why? ya
    gotta be friendly with them guys!

    o.k., bob z.'s post sure didn't help you in anyway, but maybe... maybe...
    it'll help somebody.

    bob z.
    p.s. curse this dreaded alcohol addiction!
    bob zee, Nov 4, 2004
  3. Jake

    kenneth b Guest

    what method bend table, k-factor, bend allowance or bend deduction are you
    using to calculate the flat?

    bend table & bend deduction work well, results are very predictable. bend
    tables are nothing more than a list of bend deductions for varing radii &
    material thicknesses. the table will interpolate for angles other than 90.
    kenneth b, Nov 4, 2004
  4. Jake

    rocheey Guest

    When the guy does the programming thru metalsoft
    Do you mean few "problems' ? Or he just doesnt get much work done?

    I've done my flat patterns both (and more) ways; including using
    MetalSoft (Fabriwin)

    I soon discovered that to allow my Solidworks Flats to come out the
    way they
    they were being done manually, I had to change my K-Factor to .28.

    Why? Because a .28 K Factor, using a bend radius equal to the stock
    thickness, returns the same valuse as the Bend Radius on 90 degree
    bends! Somehow they thought/think that doing a second equation of
    adding a fudge factor to the
    pseudo-bend allowance was saving time.

    Example: .125 stock. .125 Bend radius, 90 degree bend,
    ..28 K Factor = .125 bend allowance

    If this is what's being done on your shop floor, and there is no
    chance of
    convincing them to do it correctly, then update your models
    accordingly :/

    Another thing you may want to check is that the correct SIDE of the
    base face is checked. Inside vs outside allowance can make all the

    Thirdly, I dont use the OLE in Fabriwin to import a Flat Pattern from
    an open SolidWorks model.... 'things' happen to it. I export my flats
    from a SWX drawing.. either to DXF, or directly to metalSoft .prt

    MetalSoft uses a low precision internally... and while 6 decimal
    places may seem fine in sheet metal, thats also only 6 decimal places
    using 'Pi' and any trig...
    Round off errors show up often in arcs and non-orthagonal lines.
    rocheey, Nov 4, 2004
  5. I use the OLE in fabriwin all the time, sometimes I have had problems with
    lines that were smaller than .001 modeling errors. I have also had problems
    with parts that have both new and old sheetmetal features. It supressed
    everything between the new flatpatern feature and the old features. I
    remedy this by making a mirrored part since the mirror of a flatpattern is
    just cutting from the other side. I tried to submit that to their
    development team and they always say it will be fixed in the next release
    but it never happens. SW has a much better system of getting releases fixed
    beleive it or not than any other software I have dealt with.

    We always use close to .5 K factor but in our shop they say if it is within
    ..25" it is good. So I never know how close it actually is.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 4, 2004
  6. Jake

    Gary Wolfe Guest

    All we do here is sheet metal for pizza ovens. Stainless steel 20 thru 12
    gage. Darn tough stuff to work with. The material properties vary from
    middle of the sheet to one edge, etc. We had to 'discover' the inside radii
    and K factors based on our tools. For instance we use K = .41 and inside
    radii = 1/16" for our Safan (dang nice machine) press brake loaded with
    Wilson Euro tooling (also nice) for the 18 gage stock. It took a little
    trial and error to get this, and we usually can hold +/- 0.015" or better.
    Operator, machine setup, and technique probably has more to do with holding
    close tolerances. There are a million variables besides the software.
    Solidworks has been a real time saver for me, and its sheetmetal
    capabilities was the primary reason I bought it to begin with.

    Gary Wolfe, Nov 5, 2004
  7. You need to have your sheetmetal guys do some 90 degree test bends to
    determine what the bend deduction of the material is that you are
    working with. For example, where I used to work, #4 SS 16 Ga. had a
    bend deduction of .110. We determined this number by bending up some
    test pieces and finding out how much the material stretched. This
    number will change depending on material, dies and even the brake. So
    a 1"x1" L-shaped part needs to have a flat length of 1.89. You
    subtract .110 for every bend in the part.

    So we simply put that .110 into a bend table and the parts came out
    nails. We had different bend tables for each different material. We
    only had one brake, so we didn't have to account for different tools.
    The use of a bend table allows SolidWorks to calculate angle other
    than 90 degrees
    Jeff Chambliss, Nov 5, 2004
  8. Jake

    pete Guest

    And have only recently discovered that the bend radius has nothing to do
    with the top tooling, but the bottom v block!
    If you send me your email address, I will send you our formulas for 1mm to
    4mm sheets.
    this ensures that the notching is also correct when using the bend deduction
    pete, Nov 6, 2004
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