Hi, I've been looking at Solidworks 2004 as a possible replacement for Radan for sheetmetal, it seems to have a few 'features' I'm unsure about ... Take a base flange, 6mm sheet steel. add edge flanges and form a simple open top box ... for added fun, make one of the sides with closed corners. OK so far? .. with 'trim side bends' selected in the bend features you can see it trim back the bends in sone of the corners to allow the metal to be bent without nipping .. neat. the closed corners look right too. if you *unfold* (note: thats unfold, not flat-pattern) the bends, you can still see the correct shape for the closed corners, but the material removed by 'trim side bends' seems to have been put back. If you do a 'flat pattern' by unsuppressing the flat pattern feature, all the corner relief seems to have gone awol. the raw outline is not the same material shape that was used to prodcue the solid model .. all trimmed bend corners relief has gone etc. I'm now a bit confused between the differences of 'unfolding' all the bends, and 'flat pattern' So .. there seems to be a function to add some 'manual' corner relief, choose a radius of circle, apply it in some random way to a few corners ... but then you cant *see* what it is that you are going to get when its bent ... Surely you should be able to see either the flat pattern of the metal exactly as was used for the solidmodel, side bend trims and all, or you should be able to bend up the flat pattern with its circular corner reliefs added, but as it stands it seems to be a case of cutting it out, bending it up on the press and having a look .. exactly waht I hoped 3d solid modelling was getting away from, or am I missing something?