Are there any VBA objects for Sheet Sets in 2005? Thank you, Edward
Yep they are plentiful within the api. -- Mike ___________________________ Mike Tuersley CADalyst's CAD Clinic Rand IMAGINiT Technologies ___________________________ the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
Go into the Developer Help under the Help pulldown - there are a lot of sample snippets there. In your project, you will need to add a reference to the AcSmComponents16 1.0 type library. -- Mike ___________________________ Mike Tuersley CADalyst's CAD Clinic Rand IMAGINiT Technologies ___________________________ the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
=) You got it TJ! -- Mike ___________________________ Mike Tuersley CADalyst's CAD Clinic Rand IMAGINiT Technologies ___________________________ the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
I guess that proves I'm not a true MATRIX junkie. But I did see it opening night on Union Square in NYC. Great crowd. Edward SUPERSTRUCTURES 853 Broadway, New York, NY
Now I'm jealous, Edward!!! =) -- Mike ___________________________ Mike Tuersley CADalyst's CAD Clinic Rand IMAGINiT Technologies ___________________________ the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...