Sheet Metal Woe's

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hello All,

    I've been using SW for a long time now, but not until recently have I had to
    do any sheet metal pieces.
    So, I have a few questions (2 to be exact)

    The model can be found at

    The questions are:

    1. If you rollback to just after the Flatten-Bends1, why are the "cutouts"
    in the obtuse angles so deep?

    2. How would I go about making a half round section (instead of the flat
    portion) where the Rounded Section Sketch is now?

    Muggs, Nov 11, 2003
  2. These are controlled in Sheet-Metal1 under Auto Relief it is set to .5 set
    it lower until you get what you desire. Or turn it off. Or switch to tear.
    First fillet the sketch to represent the bends into your arc. then cut the
    tab from the ends of your fillets. (this will create 2 bodies.) Then thin
    extrude your half round up to the end of the tab. Then rebuild your tree.
    This was all added before the first sheet-metal feature. You will probably
    have to edit your hole sketch to be correct again. since it was added in the
    flat state.

    to do this add an unfold after Process-Bends1 select only the fold for
    then move Cut-Extrude1 after the unfold (you will have to make it cut thru
    both directions)
    then add a fold feature to put the flange back in place.

    I will send you the model.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Nov 11, 2003
  3. Muggs

    kenneth b Guest

    like a rib?
    if so best way is to create a sheetmetal tool. look in help.
    kenneth b, Nov 11, 2003
  4. Muggs

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    I am sending the mod'd file back to you. There are simple ways of achieving
    what you want. They mostly involve planning the bend reliefs and tubular
    forms ahead of the sheet metal feature. We do complicated sheet metal parts
    all the time and we've gotten really good at knowing what Solidworks needs
    to see and how to get there in the least amount of steps. Check out the
    attachment I emailed you and do an unfold. I think it's exactly what you
    want. Bear in mind that I gave you your reliefs exactly how you had them,
    right down to the 8th place so if it wasn't what you were really after, just
    edit the sketches that created them.

    Have fun...

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Nov 12, 2003
  5. Sorry I had forgotten that This was a 2001+ part. I don't remember what
    sheetmetal features were in 2001. You can do the same thing just remove the
    flange above the fillets added to the half round sketch and sketch a line
    that would represent the part of the flange that you had removed. If you
    can unfold you may want to do that to keep your hole spacing. I am pretty
    sure that was available in 2001+.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 13, 2003
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