Sheet metal flips part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John H, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. John H

    John H Guest

    I've modelled a part as a normal solid and then converted it to sheet metal
    to flatten it. I now find there needs to be another variant which folds in
    the opposite direction.

    So, I've created a new part, inserted the original part in its flattened
    config and inserted a bend to make the opposite hand part.
    This nominally achieves the correct result, except that it causes the part
    to be rotated 90deg about the origin i.e. the folded portion remains static
    and the rest of the part bends round. It seems to have the same effect
    regardless of which face I select to be the "fixed face".
    It also seems to offset the body relative to the origin by an amount equal
    to the material thickness.

    Any thoughts?
    I'm on 2004sp5

    John H
    John H, Apr 10, 2006
  2. John H

    Diego Guest

    Go into the sheet metal definition on the new part and change the
    direction that the material extrudes.

    If that doesn't work, feel free to post your model here and I'll take a

    Diego, Apr 10, 2006
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