Sheet Metal Feature Information

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by john_picinich, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. I've written a VBA macro (with help from an earlier post by Rocheey -
    THANKS!) that extracts the general sheet metal parameters and writes
    them to custom properties.

    This approach works OK for parts that use a constant K-factor for all
    bends. Unfortunately, I've run into some parts that use different K-
    factors for some bends.

    Does anyone know a way to extract this data and write the values to
    custom properties?

    Ultimately, this information will be placed into a table on the 2D

    Here is the code I'm using thus far:

    'Portions of this macro written by
    'Obtained from post dated Mar 31, 2004 on comp.cad.solidworks
    'Modified on 2/13/07 by john to add custom properties of sheetmetal
    'User must pre-select desired configuration to assign custom
    properties to
    Dim swapp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Const swTnSheetMetal As String = "SheetMetal"

    Sub main()
    ' demo code to show return values of Function
    Dim retProps As Variant

    Set swapp = GetObject("", "Sldworks.application")
    If swapp Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    retProps = SheetMetalProps()
    If IsEmpty(retProps) Then
    msg$ = "Cannot Locate a Sheet metal Part"
    msg$ = "Bend Allowance : " & retProps(0) & vbCrLf
    msg$ = msg$ & "Bend Radius : " & retProps(1) & vbCrLf
    msg$ = msg$ & "K Factor : " & retProps(2) & vbCrLf
    msg$ = msg$ & "Relief ratio : " & retProps(3) & vbCrLf
    msg$ = msg$ & "Part Thickness : " & retProps(4) & vbCrLf
    msg$ = msg$ & "Relief Type : " & retProps(5) & vbCrLf
    End If '

    MsgBox msg$

    End Sub

    Function SheetMetalProps() As Variant
    ' Routine returns a safearray of the sheet metal
    ' properties from the active Model/cfg.
    ' Note that these are the DEFAULT values as assigned in the
    ' Sheet metal feature, and any (except thickness?) can be
    ' overridden in individual features, so your actual mileage
    ' may vary.

    ' Return Index 0: (Default) Bend Allowance
    ' Return Index 1: (Default) Bend Radius
    ' Return Index 2: (Default) K Factor
    ' Return Index 3: (Default) Relief ratio
    ' Return Index 4: Part Thickness
    ' Return Index 5: relief type: None = 4
    ' Obround = 3
    ' Rectangular = 1
    ' Tear = 2
    ' Tear Bend = 5
    ' (These seeming arbitrary values were assigned by SWConst, not

    ' if the active part is NOT a sheet metal part, the return value
    'is *EMPTY*, so check this return value first!

    Dim smModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim smFeat As SldWorks.Feature
    Dim SMData As SldWorks.SheetMetalFeatureData

    Dim BendAllowance As Double
    Dim BendRadius As Double
    Dim KFactor As Double
    Dim ReliefRatio As Double
    Dim PartThickness As Double
    Dim BendReliefType As Long
    Dim UsesAutoRelief As Long
    Dim retval As String
    ' Dim vConfigName As Variant
    ' Dim sConfigName As String
    ' Dim i As Long

    Set smModel = swapp.ActiveDoc
    ' Set smCustPropMgr = smModel.CustomInfo2
    ' Set smConfigMgr = smModel.ConfigurationManager
    ' Set smConfig = smConfigMgr.ActiveConfiguration
    ' Set smCustPropMgr = smConfig.CustomPropertyManager

    If Not (smModel Is Nothing) Then

    ' vConfigName = smModel.GetConfigurationNames
    ' For i = 0 To UBound(vConfigName)
    ' sConfigName = vConfigName(i)
    ' Set smConfig = smModel.GetConfigurationByName(sConfigName)

    ' we have a doc, does it have a sheet metal feature?
    Set smFeat = FindFeature(smModel, swTnSheetMetal)
    If Not (smFeat Is Nothing) Then ' its a sheet metal part

    ' Now get the sheet metal params
    Set SMData = smFeat.GetDefinition
    If Not (SMData Is Nothing) Then
    ' get the data
    PartThickness = SMData.Thickness
    BendAllowance = SMData.BendAllowance
    BendRadius = SMData.BendRadius
    KFactor = SMData.KFactor

    'Remove existing sheetmetal value custom properties from document
    level custom properties

    retval = smModel.DeleteCustomInfo2("", "K_Factor")
    retval = smModel.DeleteCustomInfo2("", "Part_Thickness")
    retval = smModel.DeleteCustomInfo2("", "Bend_Allowance")
    retval = smModel.DeleteCustomInfo2("", "Bend_Radius")

    'Add custom properties to document level custom properties

    retval = smModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "K_Factor", swCustomInfoText,
    retval = smModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Part_Thickness",
    swCustomInfoDouble, PartThickness)
    retval = smModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Bend_Allowance",
    swCustomInfoDouble, BendAllowance)
    retval = smModel.AddCustomInfo3("", "Bend_Radius", swCustomInfoDouble,

    ''Remove existing sheetmetal value custom properties from active
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Delete("K_Factor")
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Delete("Part_Thickness")
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Delete("Bend_Allowance")
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Delete("Bend_Radius")
    ''Add custom properties with sheetmetal values for part thickness,
    bend allowance, bend radius and k factor
    ''to active configuration
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Add2("K_Factor", swCustomInfoText, KFactor)
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Add2("Part_Thickness", swCustomInfoDouble,
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Add2("Bend_Allowance", swCustomInfoDouble,
    'retval = smCustPropMgr.Add2("Bend_Radius", swCustomInfoDouble,

    ' see if we are using autorelief

    UsesAutoRelief = SMData.UseAutoRelief
    If Not (UsesAutoRelief = 0) Then
    BendReliefType = SMData.AutoReliefType
    ReliefRatio = SMData.ReliefRatio
    BendReliefType = 4 ' None
    End If
    End If

    End If

    'Next i

    End If

    Set smModel = Nothing
    Set smFeat = Nothing
    Set SMData = Nothing
    Set smConfigMgr = Nothing
    Set smConfig = Nothing
    Set smCustPropMgr = Nothing

    ' if we have a thickness variable not equal to zero, then return
    all data,
    ' otherwise, return EMPTY

    If Not (PartThickness = 0#) Then
    SheetMetalProps = Array(BendAllowance, BendRadius, KFactor,
    ReliefRatio, PartThickness, BendReliefType)
    End If

    End Function

    Function FindFeature(SearchDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, FeatTypeName As
    String) As SldWorks.Feature
    ' parses down the Feature manager manager looking for the first
    ' passed feature TYPE name

    Dim SearchFeat As SldWorks.Feature
    Dim FeatName As String

    ' Get the 1st SearchFeat in part
    Set SearchFeat = SearchDoc.FirstFeature

    Do While Not SearchFeat Is Nothing ' While we have a valid
    FeatName = SearchFeat.GetTypeName ' Get the TYPE name of
    the SearchFeat
    If FeatName = FeatTypeName Then ' we found first instance
    of Feature '
    Set FindFeature = SearchFeat ' return the Feature
    Exit Do
    End If
    Set SearchFeat = SearchFeat.GetNextFeature()
    Loop ' Continue until the last SearchFeat is done

    Set SearchFeat = Nothing

    End Function
    john_picinich, Feb 27, 2007
  2. john_picinich

    farsi Guest

    äæÔÊå ÇÓÊ:
    farsi, Mar 11, 2007
  3. john_picinich

    farsi Guest

    äæÔÊå ÇÓÊ:
    what are you doing?
    why you work on this subject?
    farsi, Mar 11, 2007
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