Sheet Metal emboss

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bryan Solace, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. Bryan Solace

    Bryan Solace Guest

    Has any one tried to create an "X" shaped emboss in a sheet metal part? Like
    on found on an air duct.

    If so, did you just cut away at a solid block to get tour deasired shape?
    The pallet forming tools do not offer such an emboss.


    Bryan Solace, Nov 14, 2003
  2. Bryan Solace

    Arlin Guest

    Normally, we would just put a couple sketched lines and a note in the
    drawing calling out the cross-brake.
    Arlin, Nov 14, 2003
  3. Bryan Solace

    Todd Guest

    Just follow the same process used to create other forming tools. I created
    the cross by doing 2 thin feature extrusions (for speed) but you can do it
    with 1 extrusion.

    Works fine so give it a try.

    Todd, Nov 14, 2003
  4. Make a forming tool yourself.

    To create the desired shape, sketch the outside dimension of your part
    offset a plane for the depth(or height)
    loft, select the outside contour and the point this should create the
    desired shape and of course add fillets were necessary

    Corey Scheich, Nov 14, 2003
  5. woops forgot this

    make a sketch with a single point constrained to the center of your outside
    Corey Scheich, Nov 14, 2003
  6. Hi Bryan,

    I made up a little example that you can use any given panel, presuming
    you "prep" the form tool before place it by resizing it to fit your
    specific panel. You would also need to constarain the formed feature
    (vie sketch edit) to the center of the panel.

    Hope this helps.

    Since I was there, I also put a round louver vent that has 3-realism
    levels and is driven by a tidy little excel table.

    I figured this was a chance to kick of the worlds smallest known set
    of SW sheetmetal forming tools(grin).



    By the way, I personally like the "just draw an X on the drawing and
    put a note" solution. Very pragmatic in my mind, but if geometric
    realism on the model is needed viva la lag de systema!
    Sean-Michael Adams, Nov 18, 2003
  7. Bryan Solace

    Bryan Solace Guest

    Got it.

    Thank you all for your help.

    Bryan Solace, Nov 18, 2003
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