Sheet metal and forming tools

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mr.T, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. mr.T

    mr.T Guest

    OK so I have sheet metal part and I want to put a dimple on it, the help says:

    1.. Open a sheet metal part, and browse to the folder in the Design Library with forming tools.
    2.. Drag the forming tool from the Design Library to the face you want to deform

    But when I drag forming tool on my sheet metal part I get msgBox :

    Are you trying to make a derived part? Yes, No,

    If I click YES then SW starts Insert Part process and creates new solid body

    Answer NO just opens the forming tool file

    Am I missing something here?

    Ps .

    I'm on 2007
    mr.T, Feb 14, 2008
  2. mr.T

    brewertr Guest

    Cross-Break tutorial should help you understand how to
    use/modify/create form tool.

    brewertr, Feb 14, 2008
  3. mr.T

    tnewton76 Guest

    Yes, right click the folder containing the forming tools and select
    "Forming tools folder", this will allow you to use the library feature
    as a forming tool. Now try to drag and drop the forming tool onto a
    sheetmetal part.
    tnewton76, Feb 14, 2008
  4. mr.T

    mr.T Guest

    Cool !!

    It worked


    mr.T, Feb 14, 2008
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