Sheet Formats

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by krupnikas, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. krupnikas

    krupnikas Guest

    Newbie from Proe platform trying to make some custom drawing formats with
    title blocks. Previously in Pro we would have assigned within the parts and
    assembly files paramaters or variables that contained the part/assembly
    title, P/N, Originator, dates and etc.

    This information would then pass thru into the drawing formats. All I seem
    to find are notes for having the title blocks obtain info from the
    properties dialog within the drawing file itself. I would not want to
    duplicate efforts filling out the part, assembly and drawing variable values
    increasing errors.
    krupnikas, Dec 4, 2003
  2. When you ar creating yor templates, put in a "dummy part" drawing view. Then
    define your parameters using the custom properties from the "dummy part".
    When you are finished, remove the drawing view and save the template. The
    custom properties will remain.

    Richard Doyle, Dec 4, 2003
  3. krupnikas

    krupnikas Guest

    Thanks for the info..

    krupnikas, Dec 4, 2003
  4. It sounds to me that you might be looking for some of the
    functionality found in the plugin "custom properties manager", which
    can be found on . This program lets you import
    information from the part and automatically insert it into your
    Frederik Daniel Hjort, Dec 5, 2003
  5. krupnikas

    krupnikas Guest


    English & Lithuanian is all I can read & write.
    I would still think this functionality is built within the box set.
    krupnikas, Dec 5, 2003
  6. krupnikas

    D. Short Guest

    You can do this with no add-ons.... There are, although, a few good
    property input macros available, this one is very cool, I have modified
    it for our needs and it has saved us much time:

    When you create your drawing template, edit the sheet format insert a
    blank note then right click and edit the properties. If you click on the
    bottom button to the right of this dialog (picture of a link and a
    hand), the next dialog will allow you to choose some pre-defined links
    in either the current document (the drawing properties) or in the
    current model on the sheet. Choose 'Model in view specified in sheet
    properties' and get a property from the pull down list.

    I have these properties (amongst others) on our sheet format:
    $PRPSHEET:"SW-Folder Name"$PRPSHEET:"SW-File Name".SLDPRT
    $PRP:"SW-Folder Name"$PRP:"SW-File Name".SLDDRW
    $PRPSHEET:"blank_length" x $PRPSHEET:"blank_width"
    $PRPSHEET:"thick" MM
    $PRPSHEET:"weight" g
    $PRPSHEET:"volume" mm³
    $PRPSHEET:"surface" mm²

    These all pull the information from the part/assembly model, we have two
    different templates that we use, one for parts, one for assemblies. You
    can take and modify these to your needs, just make sure the properties
    are in the part/assembly model and your drawing sheet will automatically
    filled out from the model information.
    D. Short, Dec 6, 2003
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