shared PC3 files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by The Real JD, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    i've been using a shared PC3 and CTB files on a windows XP network with
    AutoCAD 2000i. So far no real issues have come up. Now i'm creating new PC3
    files for AutoCAD 2005. I'm having some issues with the PC3 I setup for a
    xerox 6050. I think it's the printer more than anything, but the network guy
    insists that PC3 shouldn't be shared. Any comments for or against shared
    The Real JD, Jan 21, 2005
  2. The Real JD

    Keith Guest

    The Real JD typed the following message:
    Don't share PC3's. It's ok to share the CTB/STB files.
    Keith, Jan 21, 2005
  3. The Real JD

    WILLIE Guest

    I believe that you should share pc3 files. this guarantees that what you
    plot on one machine will plot the same on teh other machine.
    WILLIE, Jan 25, 2005
  4. The Real JD

    jpostlewait Guest

    We have been sharing PC3's for a couple of years with no difficulties.
    This environment has somewhere around 125 users.

    John Postlewait
    IS Department
    George Butler Associates, Inc.
    jpostlewait, Jan 25, 2005
  5. The Real JD

    Garrak Guest

    I assume a PC3 file is OS specific? menaing we have to have a Win98.PC3 and
    Win2k.Pc3 and a NT.PC3 file?
    Garrak, Jan 25, 2005
  6. The Real JD

    jpostlewait Guest

    The big trick with the shared PC3's is you have to use the same drivers in order for that to work.
    So you put the drivers for your printers and plotters on the network and add that folder to the Driver files in acad config.
    Yes if you still have some 98 boxes on the floor they probably will need the o/s drivers.
    The 2K machines and the XP boxes work well using the 2K drivers.

    John Postlewait
    IS Department
    George Butler Associates, Inc.
    jpostlewait, Jan 26, 2005
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