Share your experiences

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ken.maren, Dec 2, 2005.

  1. ken.maren

    ken.maren Guest

    I would like to know a couple of things from the group. Here are my
    questions. I know the right answers I just need a group response as

    1) When up dating to the next service pack has anyone ever been burned
    from a bad SolidWorks service pack? (Meaning did you have to uninstall
    reinstall or roll back a SP)

    2) If you are a CAD Admin do you typically install the new service
    pack to the whole group right away or test on your machine first? Why
    is it a good idea to test first?

    3) Does anyone upgrade just to upgrade?

    You resposes would very much be appreciated.

    ken.maren, Dec 2, 2005
  2. ken.maren

    ken.maren Guest

    I guess I want to add one more simple question. (I know the answer to
    this too :)) Has SolidWorks ever put out a bad service pack?

    ken.maren, Dec 2, 2005
  3. ken.maren

    jjs Guest

    New to SW ? :)

    They often put out a crap sp - so they quickly solve it so SPx goes
    to SPx.1 - However , look on the bright side - I don't think they
    have yet issued a SPx.2

    Some one has to be the first penguin off the Ice sheet. We all hope
    that they get to shout out if there is an orca seal in the water !!

    jjs, Dec 2, 2005
  4. ken.maren

    TOP Guest

    The newsgroup is littered with people saying, oops, I upgraded and now
    am in a world of hurt because of this or that in a new release or
    service pack. Even the SW EULA says that it is the user's
    responsibility to make sure the product does what they expect.

    I used to try and get my VAR to "qualify" a service pack. This goes
    back to SW 98.

    Just to let you know, we are still running 2004. Tested and found
    wanting, the new releases I did.

    TOP, Dec 2, 2005
  5. Bad pack? Yup, but fortunately it was yanked by the end of the day and I
    had not installed it yet. :) I have never yet had to roll back or
    uninstall a SP.

    I watch for the SP ev announcements and then install it on my machine. I
    look at the list of SPR's that it supposedly addresses and look for anything
    that addresses an issue we are fighting. If found, I may install on someone
    else's machine. But more often I wait for the official release, install on
    my own, listen to the group chatter, and then if all looks fine, start
    installing on all machines as the need and opportunity arises. If the list
    includes an important issue to us, I am more apt to install quicker.
    Otherwise, what's the hurry? If they are happy, why mess with them?

    Oh, we have 18 seats that I manage.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 2, 2005
  6. 1) When up dating to the next service pack has anyone ever been burned
    from a bad SolidWorks service pack? (Meaning did you have to uninstall
    reinstall or roll back a SP) Not since the 14 Service Packs in the
    2001/2001 Plus era. Newer Service Packs have improved.

    2) If you are a CAD Admin do you typically install the new service
    pack to the whole group right away or test on your machine first? Why
    is it a good idea to test first? I test myself, then recommend/distribute.

    3) Does anyone upgrade just to upgrade? Nope

    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Dec 3, 2005
  7. ken.maren

    BoC Guest

    I haven't had any problems in 4 years, but then I wait for a bit before
    I jump in with both feet. The water temperature is always more
    comfortable that way.

    I'm still on 2005, so I guess you can say I'm waiting for the coffee to
    cool on StarBucksWorks 2006.

    BoC, Dec 3, 2005
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