Shaded With Edges Mode Problem in SP3.0

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Seth Renigar, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I think I have found a minor problem in SW04 SP3.0 with the Shaded With
    Edges mode.

    I have always used and worked in Shaded With Edges mode since it became
    available. All of my files and templates are saved this way. Since SP3.0,
    I have noticed that some files that I open (about 15%) will open in Shaded
    (no edges) mode. Not that big of a deal, just one of those nuisances that
    should not happen.

    I found something today to take this problem one step further. I have got
    an assembly that has 6 parts in it. None of these had been opened since
    around SW04 SP1.0. I opened each of these parts today individually with the
    assembly NOT open. Out of these 6, there were 4 that opened in Shaded-No
    Edges mode (which is NOT how they were saved). I then closed them all
    without saving. Then I opened the assembly and it opened just like it was
    saved in Shaded With Edges mode. With the assembly open this time, I opened
    each of the 6 parts again and ALL of them opened properly in Shaded With
    Edges mode. I then closed everything (no save) and re-opened just the parts
    again. Same as before, 4 out of 6 opened in Shaded (no edges) mode. For
    some reason, having the assembly open caused the parts to open in their
    correct visibility mode.

    Anyone seen anything like this? Solutions?
    Seth Renigar, Apr 29, 2004
  2. Seth Renigar

    Sporkman Guest

    Hypothesis: perhaps any particular SolidWorks session presumes that if
    the user is working on an Assembly in Shaded-with-edges mode (or
    Shaded-no-edges) that he/she would like to work on Parts opened from
    within that Assembly in the same fashion, and otherwise it opens Parts
    in the manner in which they were last Saved. ?

    Somebody besides me will have to pay close attention to what it's doing
    .. . . I'm mostly still working with SW2003, as I find the 2004 interface
    to be awkward, and also many of my standard hotkeys won't work
    consistently. I've only recently "upgraded", as I held off until SP3.0
    was released AND until I got a client that actually requires the new
    flavor. I'm tired of getting hosed by incredibly premature releases.
    This is one reason why I no longer post so many comments trying to be
    helpful -- I don't work on the current release until I'm dragged kicking
    and screaming into installing it. Anybody (poor, misled suckers) out
    there going to try the beta of SW2005? You're a better man tham I am,
    Gunga Din. Or at least you have a stronger stomach.

    Sporkman, Apr 29, 2004
  3. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Hypothesis: perhaps any particular SolidWorks session presumes that if
    I tend to disagree. Like I said in the first post, all of my files (these
    files included in the word all) are saved in Shaded-with-edges mode. This
    visibility setting IS a document setting and not a system setting. So
    whichever mode the file was saved in should be the way it reopens. This is
    definitely something that just started in SW04 SP3.0.

    I do find this a nuisance, but it has not bothered me enough to do something
    about it,,,,YET. I was mainly posting to see if anyone else has experienced
    this problem and/or if they new of a simple fix.
    Seth Renigar, Apr 30, 2004
  4. Seth Renigar

    Sporkman Guest

    Dale Dunn wrote:
    Oh of course. I was just ranting.
    Sporkman, Apr 30, 2004
  5. Seth Renigar

    Merry Owen Guest

    I am having the same problem - not a major pain so I haven't complained yet.

    Do you also notice that each SP using the 'new improved' (NOT) installation
    method tends to muck around with some of the system settings - e.g. hot keys
    no longer work, some system options change. Again a minor pain so I haven't
    said anything.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, May 1, 2004
  6. Seth,

    Check to make sure that large assembly mode is not on (Tools > Large
    Assembly Mode). I have had this exact problem in a large assembly. It
    seems odd that large assembly mode would come on in such a small
    assembly but you never know.
    Brad Goldbeck, May 1, 2004
  7. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I have not noticed system settings changing from SP to SP. That doesn't
    mean that it hasn't happened though.
    Seth Renigar, May 3, 2004
  8. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest


    That doesn't seem to be the problem. I have it set to 700 parts.

    Honestly, I have never had a need to use LAM. All of my assemblies are
    below this number. There are some that are close, but that is why I
    adjusted it from the default 600 (I think) to 700. I really don't want to
    use LAM if I absolutely don't have to. My system seems to handle up to this
    number quite nice.

    Thanks anyway.
    Seth Renigar, May 3, 2004

  9. I'm running SP2.1 and a number of my files open Shaded only now, so I don't
    think it's a 3.0 problem.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 3, 2004
  10. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    This is interesting. I used SP2.1 for some time and don't recall this
    problem starting until SP3.0. I could be wrong though.
    Seth Renigar, May 3, 2004

  11. I hadn't noticed it until I read your message. It seems to show up more
    often on my more complex parts.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 3, 2004
  12. Seth Renigar

    Seth Renigar Guest

    With me, complexity does not cause it to happen more or not. The example
    that I originally posted was 6 simple plates with a variety of holes in
    them. Definitely not complex.
    Seth Renigar, May 4, 2004

  13. After I posted I realized that it was probably just coincidence that I
    noticed it first on a couple of my more complex parts. I've also seen it on
    relatively simple parts.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 4, 2004
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