setting variant and object properties when using dll in lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by James Maeding, Feb 12, 2005.

  1. This is related to my post a few days ago...

    I am familiar with making a dll and creating an object from it in lisp.
    I have no problems with properties that are just numbers and strings.

    I cannot seem to create a dll that accepts an array or an object from lisp.

    In my VB class, I have these two properties declared:

    Private mobjLDTApp As AeccApplication
    Private mvarPVIs() As Variant

    the set props are:

    Public Property Set LDTApp(ByRef objLDTApp As AeccApplication)
    Set mobjLDTApp = objLDTApp
    MsgBox ("Set Civ Des App")
    End Property

    Property Let NewPVIs(ByRef varNewPVIs As Variant)
    mvarNewPVIs = varNewPVIs
    MsgBox ("Set NewPVIs")
    End Property

    I threw in the msgbox code to tell me if the props were set.

    In lisp, make the object:
    (SETQ LDTMANIP (vlax-create-object "LDTUtil.LDTManip"))

    I am passing the object in with:
    (vlax-put-property LDTMANIP "LDTApp" AECCAPP)

    I am making the variant array of doubles with this, NEWPVIS is a list of 3 element lists, like '((1000 100 10)(1200 114
    10)(1500 130 10)(1800 120 10)) :
    (SETQ PVIARRAY (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble '(0 . 2) (cons 0 (- (length NEWPVIS) 1))))
    (SETQ INDEX 0)
    (vlax-safearray-put-element PVIARRAY 0 INDEX (NTH 0 PVI))
    (vlax-safearray-put-element PVIARRAY 1 INDEX (NTH 1 PVI))
    (vlax-safearray-put-element PVIARRAY 2 INDEX (NTH 2 PVI))
    (SETQ INDEX (+ 1 INDEX))
    (SETQ VAR-PVIARRAY (vlax-make-variant PVIARRAY))

    and I pass it to the LDTMANIP object with:
    (vlax-put-property LDTMANIP "NewPVIs" VAR-PVIARRAY)

    I am getting type mismatch errors on both, I am at a loss.
    Did I format the variant correctly?
    For the AECCAPP, do I need to modify it somehow or did I send it wrong?
    Any help is much appreciated.
    James Maeding
    jmaeding at hunsaker dot com
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Feb 12, 2005
  2. James,

    try to use vlax-put instead of vlax-put-property and
    vlax-invoke instead of vlax-invoke-method.

    I think then you don't have to pass safearrays. Should
    work when passing the Lisp lists, but I think you have to

    Private mvarPVIs() As Variant


    Private mvarPVIs As Variant

    Stephan Koster, Feb 14, 2005
  3. ah, excellent suggestions, I'lll try that.

    As for the Private mvarPVIs() As Variant, I did that because I thought you had to for dynamic arrays.
    Sounds like if its a variant, its flexible enough to become an array.
    Thanks for the reply.

    Stephan Koster <Stephan.Koster@[NoSpam-RemoveThis]>
    |>try to use vlax-put instead of vlax-put-property and
    |>vlax-invoke instead of vlax-invoke-method.
    |>I think then you don't have to pass safearrays. Should
    |>work when passing the Lisp lists, but I think you have to
    |>Private mvarPVIs() As Variant
    |>Private mvarPVIs As Variant

    James Maeding
    jmaeding at hunsaker dot com
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Feb 14, 2005
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