setting up margins

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TonyT, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. TonyT

    TonyT Guest

    we are running acad 2000i on xp and are having problems setting up margins
    on our old hp-600. i am not sure what the default printing limits are on
    this plotter. is there a way to set this up on the actual printer or does
    anyone know the best way to get this working accurately?
    TonyT, Feb 3, 2004
  2. I've found in the past this method to work exactly every time.

    For whatever size paper youre using,
    Draw a rectangle exactly that size, then offset that rectangle
    in by 5mm (¼") or whatever you want a number of times.

    Plot the drawing 1=1, then all you do is count in how
    ever many lines are missing and then just draw a new rectangle that
    fits inside the un-cropped area.

    This will give you you're available area you can utilise on any sheet

    Remember though, most plotters also allow expanded margins, so take
    that into consideration when setting up your plotter.

    Andrew McDonald
    Andrew McDonald, Feb 4, 2004
  3. TonyT

    TonyT Guest

    it is strange but our hp-600 plotter seems to be adding additional length to
    the specified sheet size. we would like to have a final sheet size of
    24"x36" but it ends up around 24.75"x36". i have no idea why this is
    happening. does anyone know how to have it print the proper size sheets? we
    just installed the latest hp drivers.
    TonyT, Feb 4, 2004
  4. TonyT

    TonyT Guest

    another problem....
    after we installed the latest drivers for the hp600 we are having some
    issues with text printing weird. is there a better driver out there that i
    should be checking out or some kind of setting that needs to be changed?
    TonyT, Feb 4, 2004
  5. TonyT

    wfb Guest

    Not sure about your "weird" text. What kind of text is it?

    However, as far as your size print goes-> . Years ago, I just did a little
    trial & error on my 600. I very seldom use it now, but if you use Andrew's
    suggestion, you should get it close.
    That plotter has a leading edge and a trailing edge distance that is found
    in the manual. You need your "printed area" plus the leading and trailing
    to add up to 24". I think on mine I use 21.60" for print height to get it
    to come out right on 24". It depends if you have expanded size set on or
    off. (I think I have mine off.)


    | another problem....
    | after we installed the latest drivers for the hp600 we are having some
    | issues with text printing weird. is there a better driver out there that i
    | should be checking out or some kind of setting that needs to be changed?
    wfb, Feb 4, 2004
  6. TonyT

    TonyT Guest

    the font is "swiss721 lt BT.ttf"
    it is funny when I use an older driver the sheet comes out 24"x36" but it
    centers the file strange on the sheet so ultimately information is cut off.
    maybe this is just an issue of adjusting the sheet sizes so everything works
    out ok. I don't see any other way around this.
    when I use the latest driver the font comes out all scrambled and the sheets
    are larger than 24". I will try your method and see if that works. thanks
    for the info.
    TonyT, Feb 4, 2004
  7. TonyT

    TonyT Guest

    the cause of the "weird text" is the rotate setting on the plotter. when i
    set the plotter to rotate the sheet 90 degrees the font does not rotate for
    some reason. very strange.....
    for some reason i can't get the plotter to print things portrait through the
    software. does anyone know how i can do this?
    TonyT, Feb 9, 2004
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