Setting up component parameters.

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by John Wade, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. John Wade

    John Wade Guest

    Create a startpart with all the parameters, views, default densities, etc
    you need, then use it each time you create a new part.
    John Wade, Jun 10, 2004
  2. John Wade

    Fatman Guest

    I have a repeat region BOM table that uses the item number using.

    &asm.mbr.cparam.find_no and &asm.mbr.cparam.sheet_no

    Lets say that "find_no" for shcs_250-20x750.prt is 1, "sheet_no" is 2, and
    I have 50 instances of such part in my assembly. Is there an easier way to
    assign component parameters to all 50 instances than one at a time?

    This is my process currently:
    Set Up>Parameters>Component>Pick (select component)>Create>Integer

    Done for each item in my assembly. When you use dozens of the same item,
    this is time consuming to have to do this to 50 screws here, 50 screws

    Am I missing something here?
    Fatman, Jun 10, 2004
  3. John Wade

    Fatman Guest

    These are not part parameters, they are component parameters, which isn't
    the same thing. Component parameters are not stored in the .prt file. The
    screws and such are "library components" which are off limits for
    modification. Find_no and Sheet_no information will change from project to
    project. You can change/add part parameters in the model tree easily, you
    just can't do assembly parameters that way.

    Thanks for trying though.

    Fatman, Jun 11, 2004
  4. John Wade

    David Janes Guest

    : I have a repeat region BOM table that uses the item number using.
    : &asm.mbr.cparam.find_no and &asm.mbr.cparam.sheet_no
    : Lets say that "find_no" for shcs_250-20x750.prt is 1, "sheet_no" is 2, and
    : I have 50 instances of such part in my assembly. Is there an easier way to
    : assign component parameters to all 50 instances than one at a time?
    : This is my process currently:
    : Set Up>Parameters>Component>Pick (select component)>Create>Integer
    : FIND_NO
    : 1
    : >Create>Integer
    : SHEET_NO
    : 2
    : Done for each item in my assembly. When you use dozens of the same item,
    : this is time consuming to have to do this to 50 screws here, 50 screws
    : there.
    I agree, automation is needed and it is a tricky problem, not solvable by putting
    parameters in start parts or even start assemblies.

    There is only one thing I can think of that might help.... a little. And that is,
    to create these parameters when you create the format table.

    Let me explain. If you set the option make_parameters_from_fmt_tables
    to yes, you can "build" your BOM into the format and when it is placed, not only
    pick up parameter values that exist in the assembly, parts, components, but also
    create the parameters (at some default value, left blank in the table). The report
    parameters that you mentioned, &asm.mbr.cparam.find_no and
    &asm.mbr.cparam.sheet_no, would create two component parameters, find_no and
    sheet_no, for each component. Then you can go back through the BOM, editing each
    cell to fill in the values. I think this is generally easier than doing it in the
    model tree.

    The only problem that I'm aware of is that the parameter type defaults to string
    and I'm not sure if there's a way to change it. Then again, it might ask for a
    type when you first place the format and it tries to create the parameters. As far
    as the procedure, get the models added, place views, even get the dimensioning
    done. Then, go back to sheet one, set model to the top level assembly and place
    the format. Since your "50 screws here, 50 screws there" are in a flat, not
    recursive, table, you should have totals for components, necessitating filling in
    the cparam values for only one instance of the 50 shcs_250-20x750 components.

    There may also be a way with Pro/PROGRAM but I'd have to dig into that and I'm
    pretty sure it's not easier than the way I've outlined above.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jun 11, 2004
  5. John Wade

    Fatman Guest

    It would be nice if I could assign it once per part, and it was applied to
    all instances of that part.
    I will give your suggestion a shot and see if it flies.


    Fatman, Jun 11, 2004
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