Setting rendered image size?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JAG, Apr 20, 2004.

  1. JAG

    JAG Guest

    Hi all,

    is there a way of setting the size of the image to be rendered to file? The
    workaround I am using is to render oversize and then crop out what I want,
    not the most efficient!


    JAG, Apr 20, 2004
  2. JAG

    scota Guest

    I do a similar process. I also bump the resolution up no more than 300
    and save it as a TIFF file. Then I open it, resize it, and save it as
    a JPEG in PSP or Photoshop.

    I prefer to crop the image in PSP or Photoshop for better compostion
    contol anyway.

    It seems to work OK for me.
    scota, Apr 20, 2004
  3. The height of the work window along with the pixels you specify for the
    height of the rendering defines the resolution of the final image, and the
    width just follows proportionally from that scale with no regard to the work
    window at all

    I hope the following explains it (and if it doesn't you can run the tests
    and you'll figure it out - I have the hardest time trying to describe this!)

    Set your work window to be roughly square with the model centered in it.
    Here's what the rendering will look like:
    Width 1000, Height 1000 - image will show the entire model vertically and
    horizontally (duh)
    Width 1000, Height 500 - image will show the entire model vertically, but at
    half the resolution of the first rendering. Tons of background will be added
    to the left and right of the model
    Width 500, Height 1000 - image will show the entire model vertically at the
    same resolution as the first rendering. The rendering will clip the left
    and right off the model.

    This is what we do to avoid rendering lots of extra pixels:
    Size the work window to frame the final rendering you want (or split into 2
    or 4 viewports and use one as the final window, which can be easier to
    manipulate into odd rectangles). Add a little bleed for safety, but
    remember those extra pixels are going to cost you on rendering time.
    Take out a ruler and measure the screen (this feels silly when you do it,
    but I have no cooler or faster way to get the ratio of work window height to
    In the 'render to file' dialog, enter the pixels you want for the height,
    which will drive the image resolution.
    To calculate the pixels to enter for the width, divide the height in pixels
    by the measured Height of the work window, then multiply the result by the
    measured Width of the work window.

    Hope this helps. Its really quite simple, but I can never find the words to
    communicate it well.
    Edward T Eaton, Apr 20, 2004
  4. I though at one time someone made a macro that would
    re-size the graphics window? What you would do is to
    set it to 800x600 or whatever your rendering size will
    be and you will have a WYSIWYG view.

    I just tried recording one and it works pretty good
    except it counts the FM as well. You would either have
    to slide the FM split bar all the way to the left or
    put in some code that will get the FM width and add
    the extra pixels to the graphics window size.

    There looks to be a limitation to the graphics window
    size, but that's not a problem. You just input a ratio
    of what your rendering size would be.

    For example, if your rendering was 2000x2000, you would
    divide that by 5 or whatever and re-size your graphics
    window to 400x400. You would still enter 2000x2000 in
    the render output area. As long as the ratio is the
    same, your rendering will look like the preview.

    Here is what I did...

    *) Click the "Restore Down" button in the graphics area
    *) Tools-> Macro-> Record
    *) Re-size the window by dragging a corner
    *) Tools-> Macro-> Stop

    You simply edit the macro and enter your size. Of course
    you can code in a dialog box to enter it in. Easy stuff.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Apr 21, 2004
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