Setting plotter upon open

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dave Cooley, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. Dave Cooley

    Dave Cooley Guest

    I'm sure this has been addressed before but I can't find the final answer.
    When I ship drawings to my customers they have to set the plotter to their
    internal plotter and not the one I use internally. I want to set up a
    routine for them so the correct plotter is loaded when they open the drawing
    or any drawings they open to be a default internal plotter for them. I'm
    starting to see that psetupin is maybe a start but how do you set the
    plotter to what has been loaded.

    Dave Cooley, Feb 6, 2004
  2. Dave Cooley

    ECCAD Guest

    Each time you select a particular 'plotter', and plot something,
    it registers to Windows, saves 'last' plot settings, etc. AND,
    unfortunately, saves info in the .dwg as passed along.
    I have found it more useful (for the customer), to just supply a 'Plotme' button somewhere on the menu or toolbar that merely does a (command "_script" "plotme.scr");
    And, make up a plotme.scr specific to their 'standard' way of plotting. Expanding on this, you could have a [Plotme 8x11], [Plotme D-Size] etc, each calling specific scripts.
    In the script, just have:
    (command "_plot" "E" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""....), mapped to the local hardware.
    This method should also work for the customer, in that they may get dwg's from many other suppliers as well.

    Just a suggestion: Avoids trying to 'duplicate' their enviroment, and swapping .pg3 files, etc.

    Bob Shaw
    ECCAD, Feb 6, 2004
  3. Dave Cooley

    Dave Guest

    I have seen discussions of setting plotter settings inside of lisp with the
    VBA functions. Have you or anyone seen this method.


    button somewhere on the menu or toolbar that merely does a (command
    "_script" "plotme.scr");
    Expanding on this, you could have a [Plotme 8x11], [Plotme D-Size] etc,
    each calling specific scripts.
    from many other suppliers as well.
    Dave, Feb 9, 2004
  4. Dave Cooley

    ECCAD Guest

    Sure it can be done with VLisp, VBA or combo. My point was
    that a 'simple' method would work for the Customer, since they get .dwg's from elsewhere - without the 'code' to swap
    in their 'local' printer / plotter.

    ECCAD, Feb 9, 2004
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