setting layer status for active viewport

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Nate Hunter, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. Nate Hunter

    Nate Hunter Guest

    I am really having problems with this task. I need to:

    1. Check to see if a layer is frozen in the active viewport
    2. Create a new viewport ( I have this step completed)
    3. Set layer status to the stus of step 1

    I thought if I set the ViewportDefault = true in step one. By creating a
    new viewport my layer status would be the same as my original viewport.

    One other note is that I am not creating my viewport in the same tab. The
    Viewport is in the same drawing but not the same tab.

    Any Ideas.
    Nate Hunter, Apr 7, 2004
  2. Nate Hunter

    Nate Hunter Guest

    Dim objPViewport As AcadObject
    Dim XdataType As Variant
    Dim XdataValue As Variant
    Dim I As Integer, PT1 As Variant
    Dim stemp As String

    ' Get the Xdata from the Viewport
    PPort.GetXData "ACAD", XdataType, XdataValue
    For I = LBound(XdataType) To UBound(XdataType)
    ' Look for frozen Layers in this viewport
    If XdataType(I) = 1003 Then
    ' Set the counter AFTER the position of the Layer frozen layer(s)
    Counter = I + 1
    ' If the layer is already in the frozen layers xdata of this viewport then exit this sub program

    stemp = stemp & XdataValue(I) & vbCrLf

    End If
    MsgBox stemp

    What do you have so far (code)??
    Nate Hunter, Apr 13, 2004
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