Setting Current Page Setup in LISP

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Scott Davis, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. Scott Davis

    Scott Davis Guest

    My office is transitioning from r14 to 2005 in one step. Our r14 drawings
    obviusoly don't have page setups, which I can use the Batch Conversion tool
    to import page setups into them. Is there a way I can also set one of the
    page setups current through Lisp or scripting?

    Problem at this point, is that users are trying to use Publish, which wont
    work when it encounters a file when there is a "Layout not Initialized",
    meaning no page setup has been set current for that DWG.


    Scott Davis, Nov 22, 2004
  2. Hello, Scott!

    For page 48x36 setup I use the script:


    (command "PSETUPIN" "4836.DWG" "*")
    (command "-PLOT" "N" "PS" "FULL" "" "N" "Y" "N")

    DAPS.LSP is program by Aaron Cunningham:

    4836.dwg - drawing with page setup for paper 48x36. That drawing has standard settings for plotting FULL, HALF and 11x17.
    My office has script generator, but you can use freeware EZScriptPro - Own the best FREE script batcher available!! :
    or ScriptPro from migration tool.

    Maybe small modification of the script for EZScriptPro or ScriptPro is required

    You wrote on Mon, 22 Nov 2004 10:17:08 -0800:

    SD> My office is transitioning from r14 to 2005 in one step. Our r14
    SD> drawings obviusoly don't have page setups, which I can use the Batch
    SD> Conversion tool to import page setups into them. Is there a way I can
    SD> also set one of the page setups current through Lisp or scripting?

    SD> Problem at this point, is that users are trying to use Publish, which
    SD> wont work when it encounters a file when there is a "Layout not
    SD> Initialized", meaning no page setup has been set current for that DWG.

    SD> TIA,

    SD> Scott

    With best regards, Anatoliy Kurgan.
    Anatoliy Kurgan, Nov 23, 2004
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