Set offset: possible?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by leodp, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. leodp

    leodp Guest

    first experience with SW, and I have a question.
    Excuse me if it happens I use uncorrect terms, but I try to translate
    them from italian.

    I have a sketch on a plane (say a simple square, centered on the
    The sketch is used to extrude for a certain thickness "Th", and with a
    certain offset "Off" from the plane.

    How can I make reference to "Off" in an equation?

    What I usually do is: I introduce a quota, select it, click on the
    sigma symbol, add a new equation, and the quota selected appears in
    the equation as, for example:
    But the quota introduced for the offset is not a real quota, it's only
    an annotation (it's greyed out), so I cannot set its value to change
    the properties of the solid.

    Do I maybe make an error somewhere or is it a limit of the program?

    Ciao, and thanks for any help,
    leodp, Jul 12, 2007
  2. Interesting - I didn't realize that the feature offset dim would not be

    Anyway, the best that I can see is to offset a plane by that amount, use
    that as your sketch plane, and then use that offset dim in your equation as
    it is exposed.

    Oh, by the way, your English is superb! If your native language is Italian,
    where did you learn your English?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 12, 2007
  3. leodp

    leodp Guest

    Interesting - I didn't realize that the feature offset dim would not be
    Thanks, It should work.

    In Germany ;-)

    Ciao, Leo
    leodp, Jul 12, 2007
  4. SPR 215635 For Extrude > From > Offset option, show a dimension in the
    screen to reflect the offset value in the dialog.

    Guess someone else asked the same question some time ago.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 12, 2007
  5. leodp

    Engineer Guest

    Dear Leo,

    As Tiffany has suggested you can make a plane offset a any distance
    and make your sketch on that plane and extrude it with any thickness.
    Then link boththe dimensions with the equations. I have uploaded a
    part with simple example. Hope this works for you.

    The file download link


    Engineer, Jul 16, 2007
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