Set a label with the current loaded ADE state

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I am about to go nuts with these states in ADE: I find myself continously
    overwrite states because I cannot remember after 2 days of work which state
    I am currently using. I am wondering if anybody has an idea how to put a
    cellview into the schematic with a dynamic label that reads the value of
    the currently loaded state. If I also could get this function into all the
    headers of my awd plots, then I could even get things right in half a year
    from now.

    An alternative would be to create a new state every time I forget which
    state I am working on, but that is also not a very good idea as I will have
    states all over....

    Having only one state in each schematic is not so feasible as I overpopulate
    my library with cellviews just because I can't use the state feature.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 24, 2005
  2. Hi,

    sometimes it helps to go into the big dark forest and yell loud, and then go
    home and do some homework. After some experimenting with loading and saving
    states and checking the CDS.log and then looking a bit in the manual and
    hacking a lot on the CIW I was able to find a workaround that fit my
    original purpose: In some way get to know what state I am working on.

    A nice little bindkey for the key ? was the result: This prints the value of
    the last loaded state. If I save the last loaded state to another name,
    then pressing ? will give me the new state name. This means that there is
    no difference between 'save' and 'save as', but you can't have coffee /and/
    sugar /and/ cream if you have only two choices....

    (hiSetBindKey "Schematics" "Shift<Key>/" "(printf
    \"%L\" (sevSession(hiGetCurrentWindow())->loadForm)->name->value)")
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 24, 2005
  3. What I also discovered is that if I, instead of going directly to 'save
    state', open the 'load state' menu item, the current loaded state is
    backlighted. Problem is just if you have already started the save procedure
    by exiting the analog artist, there is no way back. Pressing cancel on the
    save dialog exits analog artist without saving.

    After saving a state to a new name, the backlight in the load state dialog
    change to that new state name also. This leads me to think that the
    implementation of the same functionality in the 'save state' dialog should
    not be a big problem. Would be a nice update for the next ISR?
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 24, 2005
  4. If you quit the analog artist and she asks you if you want to save the
    state, then you are really messed up if you don't remember which state you
    were working on. That save dialog grab the focus and it is not possible to
    use the bindkey in the schematic to get the save state.

    => New way of ending a session for me: First save and then exit, even if the
    beast asks me another time if I want to save. Somebody brought half the
    heart and half the brain to work the day the save state was implemented (or
    tested) Honest opinion.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 24, 2005
  5. Hi Svenn,

    There are a number of PCRs for save state functionality improvement.

    Please log a service request, outlining these things, so that we can get
    this through to R&D. If you like, ask in the service request that it's
    assigned to me, as I'm familiar with the background of your request.

    Of course, if you've already logged a service request (I didn't check), no
    need to do it again.


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 7, 2005
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