Service Packs - Upgrades or Corrections

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ron Waligora, Oct 2, 2003.

  1. Ron Waligora

    Ron Waligora Guest

    If we have several licenced seats of Solidworks, but only one that
    gets a renewed subscription service, will all the seats load the
    service packs?

    I am only interested in this particular issue with respect to service
    Ron Waligora, Oct 2, 2003
  2. Ron Waligora

    Nick E. Guest

    Ron Waligora quipped:
    yes, they will all upgrade just fine.

    so what then, you bought 2 seats straight out, then 1 seat with support?

    makes sense I guess.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Oct 2, 2003
  3. Ron Waligora

    kellnerp Guest

    They will until SW starts issuing a reg code for every service pack. Of
    course doing this is against the EULA you agreed to and if SW found out you
    were doing it they could demand their software back.

    Do the rest of us that pay for our software a favor and try not to get SW
    too paranoid about whether they are being ripped off.
    kellnerp, Oct 3, 2003
  4. Ron Waligora

    Tim Guest

    our VAR recommended sassafras to monitor and dole out network licenses.
    It's 1000 bucks one time... not 900 or so each seat and then maint on top of
    Tim, Oct 3, 2003
  5. Ron Waligora

    Ron Waligora Guest

    First of all, this is not a decision I can make. I am only collecting
    data here.

    Personally, I think it's a poor financial decision. If we are trying
    to save money in the short term, only to get hit with the $500.00 per
    seat registration fee when the next major upgrade comes, on top of the
    license fee!

    So if the decision makers are going this way, I just want to know if
    anyone has actually loaded a service pack onto a license that has
    Ron Waligora, Oct 3, 2003
  6. Ron Waligora

    Sporkman Guest

    Gee, I thought it was $750 per seat for upgrades.
    Sporkman, Oct 3, 2003
  7. Ron Waligora

    Michael Guest

    Well, you're on the horns of a moral dilemma...

    The service packs will install for a seat on which the maintenance hasn't
    been paid. Doing so, however, is a violation of your license agreement.
    Especially since you've now posted your corporate email onto a forum that SW
    is known to watch, you violate the license agreement at your peril--it
    wouldn't surprise me if you were to get an inquiring phone call from your
    VAR and/or the BSA at some point in the future.

    good luck
    Michael, Oct 3, 2003
  8. Ron Waligora

    Nick E. Guest

    Ron Waligora quipped:
    FWIW, I have the same copy of SW installed on both computers (we do pay for
    2 seats). I just happened to use the same set of CD's for both computers
    because for the second computer, my CD's were more convienent to grab and
    use. they both upgrade just fine with new SP's.

    i know i probably should be using different copies, but there's no drawback
    to it.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Oct 4, 2003
  9. Ron Waligora

    Nick E. Guest

    oh great. this thread again.

    are bug fixes free or not?


    -nick e.

    Mr Atari quipped:
    Nick E., Oct 4, 2003
  10. Ron Waligora

    Dave Guest


    Most of the rest of this post has to do with Ron asking other users for
    their support in his dancing around and the eventual violation of the
    licensing agreement that we all agree to when we hit that accept button.
    Your case is a bit different. If you read the licensing agreement you are
    not legally allowed to simultaneously run the same serial number at any
    point in time. The End User License Agreement does not address the fact that
    you have other licenses you have paid for and don't use. If it ever came
    down to it (which is very unlikely) you could probably talk you way out of
    it without getting in a jam. Don't be surprised if some day SolidWorks in
    conjunction with your reseller very nicely suggests that you go ahead and
    register those other seats.
    Dave, Oct 4, 2003
  11. Ron Waligora

    Nick E. Guest

    Dave quipped:

    the other seat IS registered. they're just both installed from the same CDs.
    not even intentionally. i just used the first set of cd's I grabbed.
    they're all in the same box.

    if anyone complains from SW/VAR i'll reinstall, but it's not something i'm
    worried about. it'd be a hard sell for the BSA to convince a judge we're
    actually running pirated software. because we're not.

    short story, as long as we;re using 2 seats and paying for 2 seats, i'm not
    really concerned.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Oct 4, 2003
  12. Ron Waligora

    Michael Guest

    No argument with that--it's just not the question he asked....
    Michael, Oct 4, 2003
  13. Ron Waligora

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Nick E. wrote:

    The CDs themselves are identical. There is nothing distinguishing one
    from another. There is nothing wrong with installing from one set to
    multiple machines as long as you have the same number of registration
    numbers and installations.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Oct 8, 2003
  14. Ron Waligora

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I wouldn't bet the farm on this statement. I've always been told that
    if you submitted a bug report, and that bug was fixed in that version,
    then yes you could(?) get updates (I was a VAR in '97-'98). I bet you
    it hasn't been done "officially" more than a handful of occasions. A
    lot of times the VAR's will do this on their own (depends on the VAR)
    as a show of good faith. There is no official statement to verify
    this, or official way to make this happen as far as I know.

    It's one of the hazards of buying a seat without subscription and then
    perhaps getting sp0 which is a bugfest. I agree, that if you buy a
    version, then you should be entitled to bug fixes for the life of that
    version without buying support. But, as they have been known to add
    features in the service packs, I don't think this will happen.

    They most definitely want the revenue generated by the subscription
    cost. I would like to see them bump the purchase price and include a
    year of subscription. I've been told that the reason it's seperate is
    an accounting issue because support is a different budget item than
    software purchases in a lot of large companies.

    Just my $0.02 worth. YMMV.

    Chris Dubea, Oct 9, 2003
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