Service pack

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Graham Watton, Aug 10, 2003.

  1. Hi

    I need service pack 4, is it possible to get without being subscribing

    Graham Watton, Aug 10, 2003
  2. Nope

    Devon T. Sowell

    I need service pack 4, is it possible to get without being subscribing

    Devon T. Sowell, Aug 11, 2003
  3. Graham Watton

    Nick E. Guest

    Devon T. Sowell quipped:
    ie: you're fucked.

    tho I did hear a rumor that if you have an open SPR, SW will give you the

    short story: you bought beta software (SP0.0), and now you're fucked. Where
    else you gonna go, eh? All your models are belong to us.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Aug 11, 2003
  4. Graham Watton

    Gary Knutson Guest

    Normally, your VAR should give you service packs for the current
    release, regardless of whether or not you have a current maintenance
    agreement. This has been discussed here before. My VAR was certainly
    helpful is this department after I let my subscription lapse after
    receiving 2001+ Give your VAR a try.

    Gary Knutson, Aug 11, 2003
  5. Thanks
    I will get in touch

    Graham Watton, Aug 11, 2003
  6. Graham Watton

    Nick E. Guest

    Graham Watton quipped:
    ooh. i am.

    good. (seriously.)

    i seriously thought he was screwed.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Aug 12, 2003
  7. Graham Watton

    Smiley Guest

    My VAR has already stated that I must be a subscriber to get the
    service packs. What do you do if your dealer doesn't provide it to a

    Joe Dunfee
    Smiley, Aug 12, 2003
  8. Graham Watton

    Smiley Guest

    I ask Solidworks to confirm my dealer's statement that service packs
    were only for subscribers. Murielle Martin from Solidworks replied
    and said, "Your local reseller is correct. Subscription allows you
    access the SolidWorks subscription website where you can download new
    service packs as soon as they become available."

    It seems the marketing monster has conquered Solidworks as much as
    it has Autodesk.

    Smiley, Aug 12, 2003
  9. Joe,

    Good grief this is tiring

    All companies that sell product "have" to have a marketing dept.. The
    question is.. are they predatory scum bags or not. ADESK is very predatory,
    so are some others, and they've been screwing the people that pay their
    salaries for a long time. It's amazing to me to read some of the IV threads
    and see the almost religious nature of some of the tones. "The great "ACAD"
    will answer or prayers", "we just have to have faith"!!! Bullshit...

    At this point, you're so paranoid you may be better served by doing nothing.
    You're bound and determined to spin everything you hear or read about into
    something you're familiar with anyway. A bunch of regular users like us
    aren't going to change your mind. Maybe you should look into Pro-E. Those
    people will treat you "EXACTLY" like what you seem to expect. SW won't

    By the way, the girl you talked to was dead wrong, or you just asked her
    enough to get the answer you wanted. Refer back to the reply from John


    Mark Mossberg, Aug 12, 2003
  10. Graham Watton

    Arlin Guest

    "Your local reseller is correct.
    True, maintenance allows you free and easy access to the service packs.
    However, you could also get the service packs through your VAR. If you
    cannot convince them, look for a different VAR.

    Heck, maybe someone here would even supply you with the SP.
    Arlin, Aug 12, 2003
  11. Graham Watton

    Michael Guest

    I ask Solidworks to confirm my dealer's statement that service packs
    I'm sure that what you've written above is true, but it doesn't seem to
    answer the question you really seem to be asking. "Murielle" seems to be
    answering the question "does subscription allow me to get upgrades?"--Note
    that she does not in any way state that SPs are not available without
    subscription; she merely outlines a few of the "benefits" of having a

    Your earlier posts imply that you want to ask a different question:

    "Under what (if any) circumstances are Service Packs available to customers
    who do not purchase a subscription? In particular, is someone who purchase
    SolidWorks RevX but not subscription service eligible to receive service
    packs in the year immediately following the purchase? If service packs are
    available, what is the mechanism for getting them?"
    Michael, Aug 12, 2003
  12. Graham Watton

    Smiley Guest

    First, again thank you all for your informative replies. Dispite my
    hard-nosed approach, I really am listening.

    Had a lengthy discussion with my VAR today over the issue, and he
    strongly emphasized the policy that I CANNOT get service packs unless
    I subscribe.

    I also tried to make my query I sent directly to SW as clear as
    possible. Their reply seemd to have some wiggle room. I think this may
    be an issue without a strong policy from SW, and it is left up to the
    VAR as a item for negotiation.

    If any of the statements I've read on Autodesk's discussion group,
    there could be a lot of new SW users migrating from Inventor. So,
    brace for an onslaught of embittered Autodesk users who are used to
    the idea of arguing with their CAD suppliers.

    Smiley, Aug 13, 2003
  13. Graham Watton

    Jeff Norfolk Guest


    I know with my VAR that if I wasn't on subscription and had a
    particular problem that had already been addressed in a Service Pack
    that they would give me the Service Pack to fix it. Then again, my VAR
    is TriMech, arguably the best VAR out there.

    I understand our (users) viewpoint on getting bug fixes for free. I
    think SolidWorks should rethink their Service Packs and split them up
    into bug fixes (free) and enhancements (subscription). Will they do
    it? Probably not. Why? Money. Though I really don't understand
    SolidWorks stance on this since AutoDesk, Microsoft, etc. offer bug
    fixes for free. My personal opinion is that they need to add more
    value to the subscription service simply because in general the
    subscription is looked at as just service packs. This leads to people
    getting irritated that they are paying for SolidWorks to fix their
    faulty product.

    Subscription is valuable to me because I have a lot of issues with the
    software to report and often need my VARs experts opinion. That right
    there justifies the subscription cost to me (roughly $100/month).
    Jeff Norfolk, Aug 13, 2003
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