Server Reboot gives FlexLM Problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Darren J. Young, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. Here's the problem, when out IT guys work late or on a weekend and end
    up rebooting the server that FlexLM is running on, rarely am I ever made
    aware of it. And never are they aware of FlexLM running despite my
    telling them.

    FlexLM is setup as a service and starts automatically when the server
    starts back up, however, the AdskFlex report log and Adskflex debug log
    are appended to. The Lmgrd Debug log reports that the other two logs
    aren't able to be opened. If I then go to the LMTools GUI, and shut down
    and restart the license server, the reports are then found and properly
    appended to.

    I'm assuming this is a result of one of three things...

    1) FlexLM is not being started up properly when the Windows Server
    reboots and automatically starts the service.


    2) FlexLM is not shut down properly when the Windows Server shuts down
    leaving the report logs somehow locked.


    3) Both of the above.

    Assuming it's (1), I assume I can configure the service to not start up
    automatically and instead have a batch file run upon startup that
    launches the FlexLM Server.

    But if it's (2) or (3), how can I configure the server to automatically
    run a batch file to terminate the FlexLM server as the Windows Server is
    shutting down?

    How are other people handling this type of problem? Or if my assumptions
    are wrong, what's going on and how can I correct it besides killing our
    IT staff and hoping they give the position to me (which I don't want
    anyway)? ;-)

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Oct 6, 2004
  2. Darren,

    There is no good reason for what you describe. What version of LMGRD and
    ADSKFLEX are you running? My experience is that the debug log gets
    overwritten when you restart but the report log is appended to. Can you be
    more specific as to the errors you are seeing and where you are seeing them?
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 7, 2004
  3. Hi Jerry,

    LMGRD Version = (what shipped with AutoCAD 2004 Mechanical)

    Yes, the LMGRD Debug log get's over written each time the license server
    is started and stopped (the physical Windows server too for that

    But if the physical windows server is shut down and restarted, the
    AdskFlex Debug and report logs are not opened.

    Here's my LMGRD Debug log...

    12:10:53 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) Please Note:
    12:10:53 (lmgrd)
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) There are many details in licensing policies
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) that are not reported in the information logged
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) here, so if you use this log file for any kind
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) of usage reporting you will generally produce
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) incorrect results.
    12:10:53 (lmgrd)
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
    12:10:53 (lmgrd)
    12:10:53 (lmgrd)
    12:10:53 (lmgrd) Detecting other lmgrd processes...
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) Done rereading
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) FLEXlm (v8.3a) started on CSGNTI (IBM PC) (10/6/2004)
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) FLEXlm Copyright 1988-2002, Macrovision Corporation
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) License file(s): C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network
    License Manager\License\adskflex.lic
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27000
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 2080
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 2080 specified in license file
    12:10:55 (lmgrd) Started adskflex (pid 1500)
    12:10:55 (adskflex) Using options file: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk
    Network License Manager\License\adskflex.opt"
    12:10:55 (adskflex) Server started on CSGNTI for: 43400AMECH_PP_
    12:10:55 (adskflex) FEATURE 43400AMECH_PP_2004_0F INACTIVITY TIMEOUT
    set to 1800 seconds
    12:10:55 (adskflex) BORROW_LOWWATER 43400AMECH_PP_2004_0F 7
    12:10:55 (adskflex) Report log started (+\\csgnti\adskflex$\Log
    12:10:55 (adskflex) Debug log started (+\\csgnti\adskflex$\Log

    Now this debug log is fine and does NOT show the problem. I didn't get a
    chance to save the one that showed the problem prior to FlexLM being
    shut down and restarted.

    But when the physical server is rebooted, these last two lines (AdskFlex
    report & debug logs) say something along the lines of not being able to
    open the log files (it gives the exact path and file name) even though
    they are there. Using LMTOOLS to shut down FlexLM and restart it then
    allows FlexLM to append to those logs properly.

    If you need a LMGRD debug log that shows the exact error, I can have
    them reboot the server over night and should be able to get the exact

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Oct 7, 2004
  4. Darren,
    I see that you are writing the log file to a UNC path. That is likely the
    problem as the network connection may not be established by the time the
    FLEXlm service starts automatically. This is why we recommend that the log
    files be written to the server's local disk. So, specify a local, drive
    letter path and see if the problem goes away.

    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 7, 2004
  5. I see that you are writing the log file to a UNC path. That is likely the
    The UNC path does point to a local resource. I use this for 2 reasons. I
    access the license manager files though an the UNC path so al I need to
    do is copy/paste the UNC path into the logs. I also do it because the
    network license manager is (I believe) by default installed in "Program
    Files" and the options file can't contain spaces. I suppose I could move
    the logs but I'd prefer to have them under the same folder structure as
    the software so housekeeping purposes.

    Do you still thing the UNC path, despite pointing to a local resource is
    the problem?

    In the case of my options file...

    This path...

    Is the same path as this on that server...
    C:\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\Log\

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Oct 14, 2004
  6. Yes, I do think that may be the problem.


    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 14, 2004
  7. I'll switch the options file to point to a local drive letter path and
    have them reboot the server over the weekend and see how it goes.

    Thanx much!

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Oct 14, 2004
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