Server Host ID Number in Network Installation Wizard

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by johnweiss, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. johnweiss

    johnweiss Guest

    Should the Server Host ID number that you lookup in the network installation wizard be the same as the Ethernet Address shown in the System Setting tab of the license manager? I am getting 00306e007456 listed as the Ethernet Address in the License Manager. When I create a new install image using the network installation wizard I get 005345000000 listed when I do the lookup after entering the server name. When looking at images created for past releases, I see both numbers. Is this okay or should they match?
    johnweiss, Oct 25, 2004
  2. johnweiss

    dstein Guest

    The HostID is the MAC id of your NIC device. It almost always is a mix of alphabetic and numeric values and is always 12 chars long. If you open a CMD console and type in "IPCONFIG /ALL", it will be displayed as the "Physical Address" for the active interface. Note that if you have multiple NIC devices, only one can be enabled for FlexLM to work properly.
    dstein, Oct 26, 2004
  3. John,

    The 005345000000 address is probably a logical device of some sort and you
    should not use it. You must use the same HOST ID each time you get a
    license file from Autodesk. The number used for administrative images are
    not so critical but for the sake of consistency I recommend you enter the
    same HOST ID that you use to obtain licenses. Using logical HOST IDs to
    obtain licenses will cause problems. It is also a good idea to run IPCONFIG
    /ALL from a CMD window to look at the properties of your adapters.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    installation wizard be the same as the Ethernet Address shown in the System
    Setting tab of the license manager? I am getting 00306e007456 listed as the
    Ethernet Address in the License Manager. When I create a new install image
    using the network installation wizard I get 005345000000 listed when I do
    the lookup after entering the server name. When looking at images created
    for past releases, I see both numbers. Is this okay or should they match?
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 26, 2004
  4. Dave,
    FLEXlm works fine with multiple NICS as it scans all available interfaces to
    fins a match upon startup. It was the older Élan based technology that
    failed with multiple NICS. The one thing to avoid authenticating FLEXlm
    against is a logical rather than physical device. Logical devices may
    switch MAC addresses without notice and cause license failure. So, use
    IPCONFIG /ALL to make sure you are using the MAC address of a physical
    adapter to authenticate against.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    alphabetic and numeric values and is always 12 chars long. If you open a
    CMD console and type in "IPCONFIG /ALL", it will be displayed as the
    "Physical Address" for the active interface. Note that if you have multiple
    NIC devices, only one can be enabled for FlexLM to work properly.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 26, 2004
  5. johnweiss

    johnweiss Guest

    I am more of a CAD guy than a license and networking person, so pardon my ignorance, but do I run IPCONFIG/ALL from the server in which the license manager resides or from a cleint PC such as my own?
    johnweiss, Oct 26, 2004
  6. johnweiss

    Cy Shuster Guest

    The server. The license is locked to the server.

    Cy Shuster, Oct 26, 2004
  7. johnweiss

    dstein Guest

    Thanks Jerry! I was confusing the two obviously. :)
    dstein, Oct 26, 2004
  8. johnweiss

    dstein Guest

    Yes, Cy is correct. Keep in mind that it will display the MAC value using "-" separators, for example: "00-0B-DB-DD-53-B2" but you always relay that to Autodesk licensing people without the dashes (e.g. "000BDBDD53B2"). It's not case sensitive in most situations, so it may appear with lower or upper case letters.
    dstein, Oct 26, 2004
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