Server Busy error SW2007 and SW2008

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by zxys, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. zxys

    zxys Guest

    I get this error lately...

    If I wait for a while (> 5-10 min) it will go away, otherwise
    (normally), I will click on Retry and usually it will start SW?

    Any suggestions what/why/how,... to make it go away forever?

    zxys, Apr 22, 2008
  2. No answers, but I ran into it last night when attempting to edit a design
    table. Was yours the same action?

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 22, 2008
  3. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Hmm,.. for me, this error shows during the start-up. I have not seen
    it during a session (edit).
    So, if you and I both see it, then maybe it's calling for the same/
    similar service... most likely a license managed by either,..
    SolidWorksLicensing.exe or Imgrd.exe?
    Anyway, it seems that it's not accessing it easily so this silly error
    shows up?

    zxys, Apr 22, 2008
  4. That's interesting as I don't think I have ever seen it at startup. Curious


    Hmm,.. for me, this error shows during the start-up. I have not seen
    it during a session (edit).
    So, if you and I both see it, then maybe it's calling for the same/
    similar service... most likely a license managed by either,..
    SolidWorksLicensing.exe or Imgrd.exe?
    Anyway, it seems that it's not accessing it easily so this silly error
    shows up?

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 22, 2008
  5. zxys

    TOP Guest

    In the past getting this error with a DT pointed to an Excel process
    running amok. What addins are either of you running?

    Paul, have you tried using procmon or a similar program to see what
    the offending process might be?

    TOP, Apr 23, 2008
  6. My add-ins are PDMWE, eDrawings 2008, and my 3DController. When I get it in
    trying to open a DT, I can open Excel by itself with no problem. It also
    doesn't matter if I have Excel open first or not. Running Office 2007.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 23, 2008
  7. I believe this is a Windows Desktop Search ...err... malfunction...

    when this error occurs, choose, "Switch To", then "Start", "Programs",
    "Windows Desktop Search"...

    you can close the program soon after it opens, this will make the
    error go away but not permamently...

    I have this happen frequently after new installs, and after the first
    time, they don't seem to happen much after that
    spiffywebcreations, Apr 23, 2008
  8. I don't have that installed on my machine.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 23, 2008
  9. zxys

    zxys Guest

    I personally have fully disabled the Windows Desktop Search so, that
    may be the case since 2007/2008 are both using this useless
    functionality (imho).

    BTW,... this started around the time I installed the 2008 sp2 or 2007
    sp5,.. I believe?

    So, it maybe a newer way (timing) in which SW tries to link (force it
    to work) with the windows search engine??

    If that is the case,.. it's another case of SW Corp trying to force
    useless M$ crap down our throat.

    zxys, Apr 23, 2008
  10. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Thanks,.. Paul!

    Ok,.. I installed Promon,.. but, don't really know how to use it to
    find what maybe hanging up during SW start-up?

    but,.... damn...I think that given me enuf clues!?,..

    that is,.. looking at the log processes, what seems to have to most
    errors is... nvidia!!!?

    ,.. thinking back at the 2008 sp2 and 2007 sp5 time frame,.. I
    upgraded the nvidia drivers and remembered making some 3D settings on

    ok,.. under the nvidia 3D performance settings.. "adjust image
    settings with preview",.. I had changed it to "use my preference
    emphasizing: Performance"

    ,.. when I change it back to "let the 3D application decide".....damn,
    it seems that... the error goes away!!!!!

    .. thanks! 8^)
    zxys, Apr 23, 2008
  11. zxys

    kenneth Guest

    I can remember getting this error as far back as 2000/2001.
    I used to get this error frequently when using the excel bom.
    kenneth, Apr 23, 2008
  12. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Forget that, reverse that,... damn-it... that did not do it!?!?!?!

    I guess I got lucky with both 2007 and 2008 start-up's not giving that

    Well,... any other clues which Promon may be showing that you know of?

    zxys, Apr 23, 2008
  13. zxys

    zxys Guest

    BTW, still, the common log result...Name not found and Success.. in
    Promon is...

    HKLM\Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\NVTweak

    zxys, Apr 23, 2008
  14. zxys

    lmar Guest

    I think I recall the same thing happening when I went to modify a
    design table that was built on a machine with Office2007 on it.
    I'm running office 2003 and the Excel formats don't match.
    Downloaded the patch that allows me to open Office 2007 on older
    machines and the problem went away.

    lmar, Apr 23, 2008
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