serpentine curve on hemispherical surface

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by floman, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. floman

    floman Guest

    I'm stumped. I'm trying to create a serpentine path on a 1/3
    hemispherical surface so I can create a cooling tube which winds back
    and fore on the surface. I've tried all sorts of 3D sketches, but
    either the horizontal lines won't stay horizontal or the bends at the
    end won't stay tangent to the horizontal lines.

    I can send an image of what I've got if anyone can help. email is

    Imagine a vertical orange slice (120 degrees wide) cut in half and the
    curved surface has a continuous line on it that zig zags back and fore
    horizontally. The horizontal line are 50mm apart with a 25mm radius
    curve at the ends.

    Brian Park
    floman, Nov 10, 2006
  2. hey,

    can you try creating the horizontal lines as surfaces (extruded), which you
    then fillet to get your end rads and then trim back to the curve of the
    'orange' - then use the edge of teh trimmed surfaces. Not really sure I'm
    getting it from your description!
    Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign, Nov 10, 2006
  3. floman

    T. Struemke Guest

    Have you looked at using the wrap function?
    T. Struemke, Nov 10, 2006
  4. floman

    jmather Guest

  5. floman

    alphawave Guest

    alphawave, Nov 10, 2006
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