Serial Number weirdness

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Schmidt, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. John Schmidt

    John Schmidt Guest

    I've got the license manager working fine for the networked versions of
    LDT2005, Civil Design 2005, and Survey 2005, but when in LDT and I go to
    Help -> About <program name> it shows the correct SN for LDT, but for both
    Civil Design and Survey the SNs show as SN@-@9507670

    All the modules and license access work just fine, but the SNs are just odd.
    Is anyone else seeing this?

    John Schmidt, Jun 10, 2004
  2. John Schmidt

    helptpw Guest

    Hi, I am experiencing the same weirdness here.
    I can authorize and register LDT2005 fine, but civil design2005 and survey2005 generate the SN@-@9507670 even though I entered the proper serial number during the NIW install
    Have you found any solutions or have any suggestions?
    helptpw, Oct 19, 2004
  3. John Schmidt

    John Schmidt Guest

    Our network installs of Civil Design and Survey still show *exactly* that
    same serial number, though they all work fine. I think Autodesk just has
    some kind of bug in their back-end database that plugs that number in, but
    the programs seem to work fine...


    survey2005 generate the SN@-@9507670 even though I entered the proper serial
    number during the NIW install
    John Schmidt, Oct 19, 2004
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