seperating power grid

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Assura User, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. Assura User

    Assura User Guest

    I have the standard-cell based layout (GDS II) and I am interested in
    seperating its power grid. Basically I need to analyze the power grid
    seperately. Can someone suggest how I can separate the power/ground
    grid as a seperate layout?

    Assura User, Sep 26, 2005
  2. Not sure what you mean.
    Inherently the Power/Ground grid is connected to the circuit.

    However you decide to disconnect it introduces some inaccuracies that I
    cannot argue about.

    I was once given the challenge of ( in a pure CMOS FLOW ) adding a CML
    library with some significant
    tail currents in the switching logic. The "powers that be" (tm) decided that
    the "power supply" should not drop more than
    150mv during normal operation. We were told to assume that the spec sheets
    for the CML logic cells told us the DC power
    and the operation of switching should not add any significant power as we
    were just switching tail currents to different legs.
    ( to a first order )

    My problem was to take this cell library and to some power grid analysis.
    ( note that this was ~ 15 years ago ... )
    What I did was to create "power" views of each cell that had copied the
    power/ground pins from an extracted rep and
    added a DC current source that was set based on the spec sheet of each cell.
    This First attempt failed due to the fact that all of the VDD! pins of each
    cell shorted to the VDD! global net and lost the
    parasitic R. ( so ditched global VDD! for local VDD .... ) Also the cells
    had VDD pins that covered the whole top edge
    of the cell ( and pins are perfect conductors... argh ... ) ... so in the
    power views the pins were reduced to 2unitsX2units at
    the center of the initial pin.

    Then with careful setup and use of alarms in spectre ... we could show what
    the I/R drop (in the DC sense) would be to the CML cells.

    This enabled us to redesign the widths of these supplies where needed.

    -- Gerry
    Gerry Vandevalk, Sep 27, 2005
  3. Assura User

    Assura User Guest

    Actually I am also interested in doing power grid analysis for smiliar
    purpose as you mentioned. I want to seperate the 3-4 layer metal
    power/ground grid and simulate that seperately for studying the IR
    drop etc.

    Assura User, Sep 27, 2005
  4. Assura User

    Eestavez Guest

    I had the same problem, and unfortunately i could not find a simple
    answer. The "problem" with Assura is that it does not allow 2 net names
    on the same net i.e. you can delete cells from layout and leave only
    power and gnd lines but you cant "name" the places on pwr/gnd lines
    where this cells connect to, because the whole PWR or GND net is
    already named...

    I have used "dummy" cells in layout instead of "real" ones, and then I
    have deleted them manually from netlist after RC extraction. This was
    the only solution I could think of...

    If you find a better solution, please let me know

    Eestavez, Sep 28, 2005
  5. Assura User

    Eestavez Guest

    Hmmm.. I wonder if any other tool (like Calibre xRC) can do that?
    Eestavez, Sep 28, 2005
  6. My solution ( but I was also a kit developer ... ) was to create PSEUDO


    and I created the schematic equivalents ( to keep LVS happy )
    and then I would not have to manage 2 layouts ....

    But ( Hello Cadence ... ) they manage to complicate the introduction
    of scoped global ( they call in "Inherited connections ) and made it almost

    I was able to get several design kits created without any global powers and
    was able to create an extensive set of tools to deal with supply impedance.

    ( see 1995 paper at CUG on "Substrate Aware Verification" )

    But kit manipulation is not for the faint of heart.


    --- Gerry

    p.s. Also added "Z" and "L" layers as hooks into 3d extract, T-line and
    Inductor, X-fomer & Balun modeling ...
    only for extreme use (say +20gig edge rates or analog frequencies ... )
    Gerry Vandevalk, Sep 28, 2005
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