Separate Two Solids

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Choong Keat Yian, May 11, 2007.

  1. Hi, Can anyone tell me how to dislodge two joined 3D object? I have
    tried seParate but its not working and I dont want to Explode them
    because the object will broke into lines so I need some assistance from
    anyone here please.


    Choong Keat Yian, May 11, 2007
  2. Choong Keat Yian

    Joe Guest

    I am not familiar with the most current versions of Acad. The
    separate command is for disjointed solids (two solids that are not
    physically connected, but were created as one object). I've used a
    command called "Slice" which will divide into two parts defined by a
    plane. (but there were problems with it on version 2002)

    A final option is to copy the solid, and then create a box (or other
    solid) that covers the area you want removed. Then you can SUBTRACT
    the box from one, and UNION the box from the copy.

    Joe Dunfee
    Joe, May 11, 2007
  3. Thanks Joe, in fact I have found out there there are no way out once we
    exited the drawing as the two solids will remains so unless we do what
    you are talking about here.

    Choong Keat Yian, May 14, 2007
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