Sending objects to back (draworder)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Thomas Christensen, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. I have an application that generates hatches for spaces (rooms) on the
    active drawing.
    The hatches are created with solid fills of different colors (depending
    on properties in a database)
    After the hatches have been created for the entire drawing I throw them
    all to back (so they don't cover op all the other elements in the drawing).
    Then I plot the drawing to dwf.
    After I have thrown all hatches to back and before I do the final
    plotting I try to update the drawing (Thisdrawing.Regen acAllViewports).
    I have also tried to call the Regen command (Thisdrawing.SendCommand
    "Regen" & vbcr).
    The drawing is updated ok - BUT! - AFTER the plotting actually have
    taken place??
    I there a way to "stall" the plotting until the regen actually have

    / Thomas Christensen
    Thomas Christensen, Feb 8, 2005
  2. Just for clarification:
    The plot (the dwf-file) have the solid hatches on top - NOT in
    background as desired)

    / Thomas
    Thomas Christensen, Feb 8, 2005
  3. Thomas Christensen

    MP Guest

    did you try updating the hatch object after sending to back?
    MP, Feb 8, 2005
  4. Yes - I have tried that.
    If I do all the hatching, draworder stuff first and DONT call the plot
    to dwf routine evething is ok.
    It seems like the plot routine gets started BEFORE the update of the
    object in the drawing?
    Thomas Christensen, Feb 8, 2005
  5. thomas,

    just an idea: look at the sortents-systemvariable, there is one option to sort==>plotting, you have also the posibility to change the variable
    through acad-menu EXTRAS==>OPTIONS==>USER PREFERENCES (menu-item-name depends on acad-version).

    - alfred -
    Alfred NESWADBA, Feb 8, 2005
  6. If SortEnts approach fails for DWFs, the other workaround is to
    delete-then-recreate the boundaries (objects) remaining hatches intact.
    Hihgly time-consuming operation (and rather stupid) but the one that works.

    Maksim Sestic

    sort==>plotting, you have also the posibility to change the variable
    Maksim Sestic, Feb 22, 2005
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