Sending a list of plotfiles with lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Marcel Janmaat, Aug 19, 2003.

  1. I use the following line to sent several drawings to our copier:

    (dos_command (strcat "copy /b c:\\hcad\\tmp\\OceHeader.ini+\"" bnm "\"
    \\\\he-filesrv\\OCE9600R > c:\\hcad\\tmp\\result9600.txt") 3)

    But when i use this to sent a list of drawings through lisp, it will not
    work beceause one after the other are being sent to fast and then get into
    conflict with each other. There has to be a delay, but the delay depends on
    the size of the plotfile.

    Is there a way to 'after sending the plotfile, interrupt the lisp-process
    untill the plotfile is sent, and then 'after that, proceed with sending the
    next plotfile so that they won't get into conflict with each other.

    I hope i'm clear on the subject.

    I thought dos_exewait was the solution but this does not seem to be suitable
    for dos commands.

    Regards MJ
    Marcel Janmaat, Aug 19, 2003
  2. I use (dos_spool filename printer) for sending plotfiles
, Aug 19, 2003
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