Sendcommand ????

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mrajanikrishna, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Hello,

    Can we give any name to the object drawn using "SendCommand" from
    Visual Basic. I want to write events and modify the object drawn(like
    extending the line if i draw line)
    How can i change the properties like color, starting point, angle
    etc... for the resulting object?
    How can i get it done?

    Thanx in advance
    mrajanikrishna, Dec 21, 2005
  2. mrajanikrishna

    Patrick Guest

    a écrit :
    You can find out the last object drawn from the drawing objects
    collection, if your Sencommand instruction does create only one object.
    Patrick, Dec 21, 2005
  3. mrajanikrishna

    huggre Guest

    Using the "SendCommand" to create an entity is a bad idea.
    Create an object and set its properties that way.
    huggre, Dec 22, 2005
  4. Hi,

    Thanx for the reply.

    Can you tell me, how can i draw an arc where i have the data (start
    point, end point, and some middle point). I dont have radius to draw it
    using "AddArc".

    I am getting these values(start point, middle point(indicates the path
    to go) and end point) from database.

    thanx in advance
    mrajanikrishna, Dec 23, 2005
  5. mrajanikrishna

    Patrick Guest

    huggre a écrit :
    Patrick, Dec 23, 2005
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