SendCommand...Yeah right.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by joeynich, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. joeynich

    joeynich Guest

    I am having my program create a block and then insert it. It works fine, but the way I was doing it asked for a point and then a direction and it inserted the block fine. What I changed was that the block would create itself from 0,0 and then I use the sendcommand to insert the block so that I can see the block turn at any angle. That works fine also. Then I have it go into a loop until the user hits cancel or any button. That doesn't work. My question:
    How do I cancel out of a sendcommand using coding?
    I know the sendcommand waits for whatever to finish before it goes back to VBA coding. How do I get it to cancel from the sendcommand?
    joeynich, Jan 22, 2004
  2. joeynich

    Edward Bagby Guest

    Do not be too frustrated, if I get the gist of what you are saying, it is
    entirely possible. I'm having a difficult time following your description,
    however. The actual code would be worth 1000 words.

    I wouldn't use send command, first of all. I would use VBA commands. The
    ThisDrawing.Utility has a number of user input functions and with command
    line messages you can make it look like a real AutoCAD command.


    but the way I was doing it asked for a point and then a direction and it
    inserted the block fine. What I changed was that the block would create
    itself from 0,0 and then I use the sendcommand to insert the block so that I
    can see the block turn at any angle. That works fine also. Then I have it go
    into a loop until the user hits cancel or any button. That doesn't work. My
    VBA coding. How do I get it to cancel from the sendcommand?
    Edward Bagby, Jan 22, 2004
  3. joeynich

    joeynich Guest

    I can do it VBA but then I can't see my block rotate. I just want to be able to insert a block from a point and the block rotating to pick the rotation point. Is this possible with VBA? If so, please share. Thanks.
    joeynich, Jan 22, 2004
  4. joeynich

    developer Guest

    If you can find out when the user hits escape or any other key, you can do a SendKeys {ESC} while you are running the SendCommand. I tested SendKeys while in the process of a SendCommand, and the command was cancelled as expected. I know SendKeys is not a programmer friendly function, but hey, if it works, why not use it?
    developer, Jan 22, 2004
  5. Look for and download GetXX.
    Mike Tuersley
    CADalyst's AutoCAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    Mike Tuersley, Jan 22, 2004
  6. James Belshan, Jan 22, 2004
  7. joeynich

    developer Guest

    I've got some time this morning, so I'll try to produce some code for ya. The only problem I can see is how to find out if the user has pressed a key while the ghosting rotation is taking place. If anybody has an idea, please let us know. Otherwise, I have the code almost written already.
    developer, Jan 23, 2004
  8. joeynich

    joeynich Guest

    joeynich, Jan 23, 2004
  9. joeynich

    developer Guest

    Well, here's what I've got. I thought there would at least be a Win API function to detect any keyboard input. With the limited research I've done, I found out there may not be any.
    Public Sub MyTest()
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim InsPt(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim KeyPressed As Boolean
    ThisDrawing.SetVariable "ORTHOMODE", 0
    ' set your insertion point values
    InsPt(0) = 1615
    InsPt(1) = 730
    ' start your loop
    For I = 1 To 10
    ' this insert command assumes X and Y scale factors = 1
    ThisDrawing.SendCommand "-INSERT" & vbCr & "LABELDWG" & _
    vbCr & InsPt(0) & "," & InsPt(1) & vbCr & vbCr & vbCr
    ' check here to see if the user pressed a key
    If KeyPressed Then
    SendKeys "{ESC}", True
    Exit For
    SendKeys "{ESC}", True
    End If
    Next I
    End Sub
    I hope this helps you.
    developer, Jan 23, 2004
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