Semi-Realistic Model of Hand?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bonobo, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. Bonobo

    Bonobo Guest

    In designing a model of a product used on the hand, I am sure my
    illustration of the product would work better if I could find a good
    model of the human hand, with fingers in the normal straight or near
    straight positions.

    Does anyone know of a hand model around that is available?

    Many Thanks - Bo
    Bonobo, Sep 6, 2005
  2. Bonobo

    Michael Guest

    Michael, Sep 6, 2005
  3. Bonobo

    Bonobo Guest

    That is interesting and I have emailed for more information.

    There is a hand in Content Central, but it is 36 megs and a bit
    difficult to work with, and the fingers are partly curved.

    Thanks Much - Bo
    Bonobo, Sep 6, 2005
  4. Bonobo

    scota Guest

    scota, Sep 6, 2005
  5. Bonobo

    Bonobo Guest

    Right, thanks. I downloaded it, and it was about 35 megs for SWks

    It is a bit unweildly, but usable. It is a good start for me, because
    it gives a fairly good representation of the back of the hand.

    Thanks - Bo
    Bonobo, Sep 7, 2005
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