SelfCompact Routine for DVB Bloat

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by wivory, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. wivory

    wivory Guest

    Some time ago I wrote this three-part SelfCompact routine. Basically every time my project is getting too bloated I just place my cursor in the subroutine somewhere and hit the Play button and it exports itself and reimports itself and retains all the references. The nice thing is my new file is the same file I started with.

    "But you can't import over what you're currently running!" I hear you cry. Well, you're right, so the routine does a tricky hop-step-jump whereby it uses an intermediate copy of itself and runs some of the code from there, then when the original has been replaced it leaps back to it and tidies up the intermediate copy.

    Now I have thought about making it available on this forum for some time, but what held me back is that some of it is specific to my environment and there may be other things that people are doing with their projects that I haven't covered. I thought one day I'd make it more robust but I think I'm ready to admit to myself that probably won't happen, so I've decided to offer it here "as is". This is a pretty hairy topic so *please* make sure you have backups before you test this out. Once it's working in your environment though it should be fairly straightforward. I've been using it about a year now without incident.

    A couple of specifics to watch out for:

    1. The 3 routines must reside inside the project itself.
    2. It uses a file Empty.dvb that is (surprise!) a read-only clean empty dvb file. This must exist where the main project exists.
    3. Part One attempts to determine where your My Documents directory is to place working files in.
    4. Part One is making specific decisions about what file type and extensions to deal with.
    5. My project lives on a mapped network drive P: but when the temporary copy is created the operating system substitutes the UNC (network) name back into the Path. The code needs the paths to be consistent so it does a replace on that part of the name. I had to hard-code these references to wpnt2 in Part Two and Part Three. If you're on a network you may need to use your own network information, otherwise you might be able to discard these parts altogether.
    6. It uses the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library.

    Private Sub SelfCompact()
    ' By Wayne Ivory
    Dim I%, OldProject As Object, NewProject As Object, OldComponent As Object, ComponentPath$, fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

    Set OldProject = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
    If Not OldProject.Saved Then
    MsgBox "Can't compact while unsaved changes exist", vbExclamation, "SelfCompact"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    fso.CopyFile Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "Empty"), Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "SelfCompact"), True
    SetAttr Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "SelfCompact"), vbNormal ' Remove read-only attribute (if it came across)
    LoadDVB Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "SelfCompact")
    Set NewProject = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count)

    ' Components
    For I% = 1 To OldProject.VBComponents.Count
    Set OldComponent = OldProject.VBComponents(I%)
    ComponentPath$ = Environ("UserProfile") & "\My Documents\" & OldComponent.Name & Switch(OldComponent.Type = 1, ".bas", OldComponent.Type = 2, ".cls", OldComponent.Type = 3, ".frm", OldComponent.Type = 100, ".doc", 1 = 1, "")
    OldComponent.Export ComponentPath$
    If OldComponent.Name = "ThisDrawing" Then
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.AddFromFile ComponentPath$
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, 4 ' Class-specific stuff we don't want
    NewProject.VBComponents.Import ComponentPath$
    End If
    Next I%

    ' References
    For I% = NewProject.References.Count + 1 To OldProject.References.Count
    NewProject.References.AddFromFile OldProject.References(I%).FullPath
    Next I%

    ' Tidy up
    NewProject.Name = OldProject.Name
    I% = NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.ProcStartLine("SelfCompactPartTwo", 0) + 1 ' Slackly using I% to store first line of PartTwo procedure
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.CodePane.SetSelection I%, 1, I%, 1
    SendKeys "{F5}", False
    End Sub

    Private Sub SelfCompactPartTwo()
    Dim ProjectPath$, NowString$, NewProject As Object, fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, I%

    If InStr(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, "SelfCompact.dvb") = 0 Then
    Stop ' Must only ever be invoked from SelfCompact
    Exit Sub
    End If
    SendKeys "^s", True ' Save SelfCompact.dvb
    ProjectPath$ = Replace(Replace(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, "SelfCompact", ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name), "\\wpnt2\public", "P:")
    UnloadDVB ProjectPath$
    NowString$ = Format$(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss")
    Name ProjectPath$ As Left$(ProjectPath$, Len(ProjectPath$) - 4) & NowString$ & Right$(ProjectPath$, 4)
    fso.CopyFile ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, ProjectPath$, False
    LoadDVB ProjectPath$
    Set NewProject = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count)
    I% = NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.ProcStartLine("SelfCompactPartThree", 0) + 1 ' Slackly using I% to store first line of PartThree procedure
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.CodePane.SetSelection I%, 1, I%, 1
    SendKeys "{F5}", False
    End Sub

    Private Sub SelfCompactPartThree()
    If ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count = 1 Then
    Stop ' Must only ever be invoked from SelfCompact
    Exit Sub
    End If
    UnloadDVB Replace(Replace(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name, "SelfCompact"), "P:", "\\wpnt2\public")
    MsgBox Mid$(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, InStrRev(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, "\") + 1) & " is " & Round(FileLen(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName) / 1024 ^ 2, 2) & "MB", vbInformation, "Project File has been compacted"
    End Sub


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Apr 30, 2004
  2. wivory

    wivory Guest

    Yuck! Sorry that came out so wide. If you're looking for the Reply button it's waaaaaaaay over there on the right.

    Watch out - word wrap or something inserted a space right in the middle of the SelfCompactPartTwo and SelfCompactPartThree strings on both "Slackly" lines.


    wivory, Apr 30, 2004
  3. wivory

    wivory Guest

    (sigh) I've just seen a couple of other inserted spaces - some references to ".C ount". Keep an eye out - hopefully the compiler will pick up most of them.


    wivory, Apr 30, 2004
  4. wivory

    Ed Jobe Guest

    Wayne, just a comment about the problem you mentioned of a project running a macro on itself. You can do this eliminate a couple steps and avoid putting code in a temp dvb: Store the code in its own dvb, then from the ide's menu Tools>Macros, you can run a macro from another loaded dvb. Just select the dvb from the "Macros In" dropdown. For example, in my toolbox I have a module that, will add error handling to any procedure that the cursor is currently in.

    Some time ago I wrote this three-part SelfCompact routine. Basically every time my project is getting too bloated I just place my cursor in the subroutine somewhere and hit the Play button and it exports itself and reimports itself and retains all the references. The nice thing is my new file is the same file I started with.

    "But you can't import over what you're currently running!" I hear you cry. Well, you're right, so the routine does a tricky hop-step-jump whereby it uses an intermediate copy of itself and runs some of the code from there, then when the original has been replaced it leaps back to it and tidies up the intermediate copy.

    Now I have thought about making it available on this forum for some time, but what held me back is that some of it is specific to my environment and there may be other things that people are doing with their projects that I haven't covered. I thought one day I'd make it more robust but I think I'm ready to admit to myself that probably won't happen, so I've decided to offer it here "as is". This is a pretty hairy topic so *please* make sure you have backups before you test this out. Once it's working in your environment though it should be fairly straightforward. I've been using it about a year now without incident.

    A couple of specifics to watch out for:

    1. The 3 routines must reside inside the project itself.
    2. It uses a file Empty.dvb that is (surprise!) a read-only clean empty dvb file. This must exist where the main project exists.
    3. Part One attempts to determine where your My Documents directory is to place working files in.
    4. Part One is making specific decisions about what file type and extensions to deal with.
    5. My project lives on a mapped network drive P: but when the temporary copy is created the operating system substitutes the UNC (network) name back into the Path. The code needs the paths to be consistent so it does a replace on that part of the name. I had to hard-code these references to wpnt2 in Part Two and Part Three. If you're on a network you may need to use your own network information, otherwise you might be able to discard these parts altogether.
    6. It uses the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library.

    Private Sub SelfCompact()
    ' By Wayne Ivory
    Dim I%, OldProject As Object, NewProject As Object, OldComponent As Object, ComponentPath$, fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject

    Set OldProject = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
    If Not OldProject.Saved Then
    MsgBox "Can't compact while unsaved changes exist", vbExclamation, "SelfCompact"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    fso.CopyFile Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "Empty"), Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "SelfCompact"), True
    SetAttr Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "SelfCompact"), vbNormal ' Remove read-only attribute (if it came across)
    LoadDVB Replace(OldProject.FileName, OldProject.Name, "SelfCompact")
    Set NewProject = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count)

    ' Components
    For I% = 1 To OldProject.VBComponents.Count
    Set OldComponent = OldProject.VBComponents(I%)
    ComponentPath$ = Environ("UserProfile") & "\My Documents\" & OldComponent.Name & Switch(OldComponent.Type = 1, ".bas", OldComponent.Type = 2, ".cls", OldComponent.Type = 3, ".frm", OldComponent.Type = 100, ".doc", 1 = 1, "")
    OldComponent.Export ComponentPath$
    If OldComponent.Name = "ThisDrawing" Then
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.AddFromFile ComponentPath$
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, 4 ' Class-specific stuff we don't want
    NewProject.VBComponents.Import ComponentPath$
    End If
    Next I%

    ' References
    For I% = NewProject.References.Count + 1 To OldProject.References.Count
    NewProject.References.AddFromFile OldProject.References(I%).FullPath
    Next I%

    ' Tidy up
    NewProject.Name = OldProject.Name
    I% = NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.ProcStartLine("SelfCompactPartTwo", 0) + 1 ' Slackly using I% to store first line of PartTwo procedure
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.CodePane.SetSelection I%, 1, I%, 1
    SendKeys "{F5}", False
    End Sub

    Private Sub SelfCompactPartTwo()
    Dim ProjectPath$, NowString$, NewProject As Object, fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, I%

    If InStr(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, "SelfCompact.dvb") = 0 Then
    Stop ' Must only ever be invoked from SelfCompact
    Exit Sub
    End If
    SendKeys "^s", True ' Save SelfCompact.dvb
    ProjectPath$ = Replace(Replace(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, "SelfCompact", ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name), "\\wpnt2\public", "P:")
    UnloadDVB ProjectPath$
    NowString$ = Format$(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnss")
    Name ProjectPath$ As Left$(ProjectPath$, Len(ProjectPath$) - 4) & NowString$ & Right$(ProjectPath$, 4)
    fso.CopyFile ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, ProjectPath$, False
    LoadDVB ProjectPath$
    Set NewProject = ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count)
    I% = NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.ProcStartLine("SelfCompactPartThree", 0) + 1 ' Slackly using I% to store first line of PartThree procedure
    NewProject.VBComponents("ThisDrawing").CodeModule.CodePane.SetSelection I%, 1, I%, 1
    SendKeys "{F5}", False
    End Sub

    Private Sub SelfCompactPartThree()
    If ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.VBProjects.Count = 1 Then
    Stop ' Must only ever be invoked from SelfCompact
    Exit Sub
    End If
    UnloadDVB Replace(Replace(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name, "SelfCompact"), "P:", "\\wpnt2\public")
    MsgBox Mid$(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, InStrRev(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName, "\") + 1) & " is " & Round(FileLen(ThisDrawing.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName) / 1024 ^ 2, 2) & "MB", vbInformation, "Project File has been compacted"
    End Sub


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    Ed Jobe, Apr 30, 2004
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