Self Creating Default SW Template Files .....RANT

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Len K. Mar, Jul 17, 2003.

  1. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest

    ......Rant (ON)....

    Okay, this is getting really annoying.
    I'm trying to set up a company with a central server that contains
    company approved part/assembly/drawing templates.

    So set up three folders called parts,assemblies, and drawings in order
    to keep things neat and clean.

    However, SolidWorks for some reason thinks their users are too stupid
    to handle template files by themselves.

    Consequently, SW creates three identical files (all on its own) called
    part, assembly, and drawing.

    But wait... it gets better..... they then place each one of these
    files in each of my folders I just created.

    So much for a company standard. What do other people do who are ISO
    Tell their auditor that they have no control on these files and tell
    all the SW users not to use them?

    Any way to turn off this "feature".

    You think SW has been taking lessons from Microsoft or AutoDesk on
    this issue.

    What is wrong with a Tool- Option - template switch?

    I'm through now.... feel much better.....

    .....Rant (OFF)....

    Len K. Mar, Jul 17, 2003
  2. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest

    Thanks for the insight into a possible solution.
    I have folders in order to:

    1. Distinguish Imperial Start Parts from my Metric Ones.
    2. Start Shapes are associated with different templates (i.e. shaft
    shapes use side & end view vs. three orthoganal views).
    3. Different assemblies are associated with different views on
    templates. i.e. exploded assembly view vs. Installation Assembly.
    4. Geometric tolerances are not needed on schematic drawings nor are
    material and finish blocks on assemblies.
    5. Mono-Detail drawings include additional information (auto-populated
    from DBWorks)depending on drawing type. Fills in additional
    informaiton (specific to each drawing type) such as drawing code.
    6. Different clients use different TitleBlocks, part templates, and
    assembly templates.

    and the list goes on.......


    Len K. Mar, Jul 17, 2003
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