Selection sets

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DeFuN, Dec 25, 2003.

  1. DeFuN

    DeFuN Guest

    When use Acad long times, this happens :

    Command: m
    Select objects: 1 found

    Select objects:
    exceeded maximum number of selection sets

    And I can't run any command. Restart ACAD and everythings is normal !
    What error and the solution ? Thanks so much :)
    (ADT 2K4 - WinXP pro)
    DeFuN, Dec 25, 2003
  2. DeFuN

    blammo Guest

    From the AutoCAD Help (MAP 5):

    Attempting to manage a large number of selection sets simultaneously is
    not recommended. An AutoLISP application cannot have more than 128
    selection sets open at once. (The limit may be lower on your system.)
    When the limit is reached, AutoCAD refuses to create more selection
    sets. Keep a minimum number of sets open at a time, and set unneeded
    selection sets to nil as soon as possible. If the maximum number of
    selection sets is reached, you must call the gc function to free unused
    memory before another ssget will work.

    and . . . .


    gc Function

    Forces a garbage collection, which frees up unused memory


    See Also

    The Memory Management Functions topic in the Visual LISP Developer's Guide.
    blammo, Dec 25, 2003
  3. You have LISP routines or other customizations that are not using localized
    variables to hold selection sets, or not deleting named selection sets after
    they are no longer needed.

    There can only be 128 open selections sets.

    When an application has finished using a selection set, it is important to
    release it from memory. You can do this by setting it to nil:

    (setq ss1 nil)Attempting to manage a large number of selection sets
    simultaneously is not recommended. An AutoLISP application cannot have more
    than 128 selection sets open at once. (The limit may be lower on your
    system.) When the limit is reached, AutoCAD refuses to create more selection
    sets. Keep a minimum number of sets open at a time, and set unneeded
    selection sets to nil as soon as possible. If the maximum number of
    selection sets is reached, you must call the gc function to free unused
    memory before another ssget will work.


    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | When use Acad long times, this happens :
    | Command: m
    | MOVE
    | Select objects: 1 found
    | Select objects:
    | *Cancel*
    | exceeded maximum number of selection sets
    | And I can't run any command. Restart ACAD and everythings is normal !
    | What error and the solution ? Thanks so much :)
    | (ADT 2K4 - WinXP pro)
    R. Robert Bell, Dec 25, 2003
  4. DeFuN

    DeFuN Guest

    Thanks Blammo and R. Robert Bell !
    Exactly what I want :
    " If the maximum number of
    selection sets is reached, call the GC function to free unused
    memory before another ssget will work ".
    Thanks again and happy new year :)
    DeFuN, Dec 25, 2003
  5. DeFuN

    Tom Berger Guest

    If you really need to have more selection sets open at once (which I
    doubt), you can store the entities in your selection sets in lists.

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Dec 25, 2003
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