Selection Filter Mapkey

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by takedown, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. takedown

    takedown Guest

    I'd like to create mapkeys for the selection filters I use
    frequently. I know, I know... it's only two clicks, but I'm a
    keyboard jockey that avoids using my mouse whenever possible. I've
    tried recording this mapkey, but there's one problem. The syntax for
    selecting a particular filter is completely dependent on its relative
    position in the list of available filters. This means that depending
    what feature/command is currently active, the surface filter could be
    either 10th, 13th, etc. Overloading the mapkey with commands for
    #10 & #13 won't work because you'll just end up selecting whatever
    last filter number is, regardless of whether it's actually the
    filter. It's times like this I wish Proe had a real macro language
    Link doesn't count unless you have a week to devote to learning how
    use and implement Java). Thanks in advance.
    takedown, Jun 8, 2007
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